Writer / NIM
SISKA LATONGKO / 614414038
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. AMIR HALID, SE, M.Si / 0009017205
Advisor 2 / NIDN
YANTI SALEH, SP, M.Pd / 0024047102
PROFIL RUMAH TANGGA MISKIN PETANI JAGUNG DI KECAMATAN RANDANGAN KABUPATEN POHUWATO *) Siska Latongko**); Amir Halid dan Yanti Saleh**) Jurusan Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) Mengetahui profil rumah tangga miskin petani jagung di KecamatanRandangan2) Mengetahui sumber pendapatan rumah tangga miskin petani jagung di KecamatanRandangan 3) Menganalisis distribusi pengeluaran rumah tangga miskin petani jagung di KecamatanRandangan.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai bulan Juni 2018 di Kecamatan Randangan Kabupaten Pohuwato. Metode analisis data menggunakan : 1) Analisi Deskriptif 2) Analisis Pendapatan 3) Analisis Pengeluaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Profil rumah tangga miskin petani jagung di Kecamatan Randangan Kabupaten Pohuwato rata-rata petani jagung berpendidikan SD, keadaan rumahpetani jagung di Kecamatan Randangan rata-rata masih kurang layak, kepemilikan lahanpetani jagung di Kecamatan Randangan Kabupaten Pohuwato sebagian besar milik sendiri, penggunaan energi petani responden mendapat bantuan dari pemerintah, dan untuk tabung gas sendiri juga berawal dari bantuan pemerintah daerah setempat 2) Sumber Pendapatan petani responden yakni pendapatan dari usatani jagung, pendapatan luar usahatani jagung dan pendapatan luar sektor pertanian 3) Pengeluaran rumah tangga petani jagung di Kecamatan Randangan Kabupaten Pohuwato pertahun yakni meliputi pengeluaran pangan sebesar 55,2 %, pengeluaran non pangan 32,2 %, dan pengeluaran lainnya 12,5 %. Kata Kunci :Profil Rumah Tangga, Pendapatan, Distribusi Pengeluaran *) Judul Skripsi **) MahasiswaJurusan Agribisnis ***) Tim Pembimbing THE PROFILE OF POOR HOUSEHOLDING OF CORN FARMERS IN RANDANGAN SUB-DISTRICT, POHUWATO DISTRICT *) Siska Latongko**); Amir Halid and Yanti Saleh***) Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo ABSTRACT This research aimed at 1) understanding the profile of poor householding of corn farmers in Randangan sub-district, Pohuwato District 2) knowing the income of poor householding of corn farmers in Randangan sub-district, Pohuwato district 3) analyzing the outcome distribution of poor householding of corn farmers in Randangan sub-district, pohuwato district. It was conducted in May to June 2018 in Randangan sub-district, Pohuwato district. The method of data analysis used: 1) descriptive analysis; 2) income analysis; 2) outcome analysis. The result of this research showed that 1) the profile of poor householding of corn farmers in Randangan sub-district, Pohuwato district graduated in Elementary School, the house condition by corn farmers at Randangan was still proper, the corn land ownership in Randangan sub-district, Pohuwato district was their own, the use of farmers energy got assistance from the government, and the gas was only from the government 2) the respondents' income source was from their work, outer income of corn farmers work and outer income of farming sector 3) the outcome of corn farmers' householding in Randangan sub-district, Pohuwato district per year involved food outcome as 55.2%, nonfood outcome 32.2% and other outcome 12.5% Keywords: the profile of house holding, Income, Outcome Distribution *) The title of skripsi **) A student of Agrribusiness Department ***) Team of Supervisor
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