Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
FAHRUL ILHAM, S.Pt, M.Si / 0007068003
Advisor 2 / NIDN
SAFRIYANTO DAKO, S.Pt, M.Si / 0021037305
ABSTRAK Aliansyah Dinggi. 2016. Identifikasi Fenotip Kualitatif Ayam Kampung Di Wilayah Pesisir Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Di bawah Bimbingan Fahrul Ilham, selaku Pembimbing I dan Safriyanto Dako, selaku pembimbing 2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik genetik eksternal ayam kampung di wilayah pesisir pantai selatan Kecamatan Bone, Bone Pantai, dan Kabila Bone, Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 300 ekor ayam kampung dewasa (81 ekor jantan dan 219 ekor betina) yang diambil secara culster, data dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif. sifat yang diamati baik pada jantan dan betina, antara lain sifat kualitatif kombinasi warna bulu, paruh, sisik, dan bentuk jengger. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh Kombinasi warna bulu pada ayam jantan didominasi oleh, merah hitam 28.4%, merah hitam kuning 16.0%, merah hitam coklat kuning 11.1%, dan pada Betina didominasi oleh hitam polos 20.1%, hitam coklat 15.1%, hitam coklat kuning 12.8%. Warna paruh jantan didominasi oleh kuning 45.7%, kuning hitam 21%, hitam 17.3%. Betina didominasi oleh warna paruh hitam 26.9%, hitam kuning 16.9%. Warna sisik pada jantan didominasi oleh warna kuning 66.7%, putih 17.3, hitam 12.3%, dan warna sisik Betina didominasi oleh warna kuning 48.9%, hitam 17,8%, putih 12,3%. Bentuk jengger single 86.4%, pea 12.3%, rose 1.2%. Lokasi yang berpengaruh terhadap timbulnya berbagai macam pola kombinasi warna bulu yaitu hanya pada jantan, namun kombinasi warna bulu betina, warna paruh jantan/betina, warna sisik jantan/betina dan bentuk jengger pada jantan tidak dipengaruhi oleh lokasi. Kata kunci : Fenotipe, Sifat Kualitatif, Ayam Kampung. . ABSTRACT Aliansyah Dinggi. 2016. Qualitative Fenotipe Identivication of chiken in Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Adviser Fahrul Ilham, as the first adviser and Safriyanto Dakoi, as the second adviser. The purpose of this research to knows about external genetic characteristics of chicken in Pantai Selatan Kecamatan Bone, Bone Pantai, and Kabila Bone, Kabupaten Bone Bolango. There are 300 adults chickens as the sample. Consist of 81 male chickens and 219 female chickens. Those taken by cluster and analysis data are descriptive statistic. The result of the researcs showed the same characteristics of male and female chicken. Consist of qualitative component for the tethers color, a beak and as comb. The compound of tethers color from the male chicken are, black red 28,4%, red black yellow 16,0%, red black brown yellow 11,1%. Besides that the black female chicken has 20, 1%, black brown 15, 1%, black brown yellow 12,3 and 8%. On the other hand, the color of male chickens' beak is yellow about 45, 7%, yellow black 21%, black 17, and 3%. The female chickens' beak color is black about 26, 9%, black yellow 16, and 9%. The colors of male chickens are yellow 66, 7%, white 17, 3%, black 12, and 3%. The yellow female chicken has 48, 9%, black 17, 8%, white 12, and 3%. The sheep of single comb about 86, 4%, pea 12, 3%, rose 1, 2%. The results of research prove that location is to influence toward comer some compounding of feathers color just for male chicken only. However the component of female chicken feather, color blacks, color and the comb of male chicken is not influence of location. Key words: Phenotype, Qualitative characteristics of chickens'.
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