Writer / NIM
HERLINA LIHAWA / 621410026
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. MUHAMMAD SAYUTI, S.Pt., M.Si. / 0031126736
Advisor 2 / NIDN
AGUS BAHAR RACHMAN, S.Pt, M.Si / 0930108402
ABSTRACT Herlina Lihawa, 621 410 026. Using of the Forests Potato flour (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) on Making Sausage Beef. Essay. Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo. Guided by Muhammad sayuti and Agus Bahar Rachman. This study aims to determine the level of use forest potato flour on making sausage beef. The design of research used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments were arranged as follows (T1/ forest potato flour 12.5%), (T2/ forest potato flour 25.0%), (T3/ forest potato flour 37.5%) and (T4/ forest potato flour 50.0%).Variables measure of the research is the water content, fat content and protein content (proximate analysis) as well as the aroma, textur, color and taste (organoleptic test). The results study showed that the highest of water content is 74.71% with using of forest potato flour 12,5% and the lowest of water content is 71.38% with using of forest potato flour 50.0%. the other study showed that the highest of fat content is 2.00% with using of forest potato flour 50.0% and the lowest of fat content is 0.36% with using of forest potato flour 12.5%. And the other study showed that the highest protein content is 14.13% with using of forest potato flour 50.0% and the lowest of protein content is 12.75% with using of forest potato flour 12.5%.the study of organoleptic test showed that use of forest potato flour 12.5% have the aroma and taste much more preferred by the panelist. And using forest potato flour 50.0% have the texture and color much more pfeferred by the panelisr. Conclusion of the study is the maximum value of using forest potato flour in the manufakture of sausages beef up to 50.0%. The level of using 50.0% forest potato flour can be up protein content and fat content As well as can be down water content. The level of using 50.0% forest potato flour can be up texture and aroma quality, as well as can be down taste and color quality. So that, using of the forests potato flour (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) on making sausage beef as much as 50.0% (T4) are best to produce quality (proximate analysis and organoleptic test). Keywords : Beef Sausage, Potato Flour Forest, Organoleptic test.
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