Writer / NIM
DELAWATI SUNE / 621413025
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
FAHRUL ILHAM, S.Pt, M.Si / 0007068003
Advisor 2 / NIDN
SUPARMIN FATHAN, S.Pt, M.Si / 0003047106
ABSTRAK Delawati Sune. 621413025. Fertilitas, Daya Tetas Telur Dan Viabilitas Day Old Chick (DOC) Hasil Persilangan Ayam Kampung Dengan Ayam Broiler. Dibimbing Oleh Fahrul Ilham Sebagai Pembimbing I dan Suparmin Fathan Sebagai Pembimbing II. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fertilitas, daya tetas telur dan viabilitas day old chick (DOC) hasil persilangan ayam kampung dengan ayam broiler. Ayam yang digunakan terdiri dari 3 ekor jantan ayam kampung dan 30 ekor betina ayam broiler. Perkawinan ayam dilakukan dengan cara inseminasi buatan (IB). variabel yang diamati adalah fertilitas, daya tetas dan viabilitas day old chick (DOC). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriftif dengan menghitung nilai rata-rata, standard deviasi, dan koefisien variasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai rata-rata fertilitas telur hasil persilangan adalah 78,95%, Daya tetas telur adalah 56,97% dan Viabilitas Day Old Chick (DOC) adalah 90,85%, Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan disimpulkan fertilitas telur, daya tetas telur dan viabilitas Day Old Chick (DOC) lebih tinggi dari ayam kampung. ABSTRACT Delawati Sune. 621413025. Fertility, Hatchability of eggs, and Viability of Day Old Chick (DOC), the Result of Hybridization between Native Chicken and Broiler Chicken. The principal supervisor is Fahrul Ilham, and the co-supervisor is Suparmin Fathan. The study is aimed to investigate Fertility, Hatchability of eggs, and Viability of Day Old Chick (DOC), the result of hybridization between native chicken and broiler chicken. The chickens consist of 3 male native chickens and 30 female broiler chickens. The Hybridization is conducted through artificial insemination. The observed variables are fertility, Hatchability and Viability of Day Old Chick, The data that have been collected are analyzed descriptively by calculating the mean, deviation standard, and coefficient of variation. Findings reveal that the mean score of fertility is 78,95%, hatchability of egg is 56,97%, and the viability is 90,85%. Based on result and discussion, it can be concluded that the fertility, hatchability and viabilityof Day Old Chick (DOC) are higher than native chickens. Keywords: Fertility, Hatchability, and Viability of DOC, Hybridization Kata Kunci : Fertilitas, DayaTetas, Viabilitas DOC, Persilangan
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