Writer / NIM
RUSDI HI. NASIR / 701516001
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr KARTIN LIHAWA, M.Pd / 0002085702
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Dr. MERY BALANGO, M.Hum / 0021106403
Rusdi Hi. Nasir, 2020. ..."Improving students Ability in writing narrative text through genre based approach. Thesis. Post graduate program in language education department, Gorontalo state University. Advisor I, Prof. Dr Kartin Lihawa., M.Pd., Advisor II, Dr. Mery Balango, M.Hum.
The aim of this research is to know the process of teaching narrative text through genre based approach can improve students ability in writing narrative text. This research was classificated as action research. The design of this research used design by Kemmis and Mc Taggart that was planning, action, observation, analysis and reflection. It was done in two cycles. This research conducted at tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Limboto academic year 2018/2019. The subject of this research consisted 33 students in tenth grade of MIPA4. Technic of collecting the data that used is the applying the action of teaching writing narrative text included in two cycle following by final test, however observation is first. The researcher analysis students writing in pre test, test of first cycle and test of second cycle.
To evaluate of students result in writing narrative text, the researcher used writing rubric of Jacobs et al. Cited in Huges. The result of research shows that the students mean score in first test is 71.75 and mean score in second cycle test is 75.45. It means that there are a diffirent between the students writing narrative text in pre test, and after implemeting genre ganre based approach.
Key words : Action Research, Writing ability, narrative text, genre based approach
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