Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Prof. NONNY BASALAMA, MA, Ph.D. / 0010036804
Advisor 2 / NIDN
MUZIATUN, S.Pd, M.App.Ling / 0004028201
Yudi Hariansyah Djakaya, ..."Developing Supplementary English Reading Materials For Maritime (A Research and Developing Conducted at Nautica of Commerce ship Department Grade X of SMK Bina Taruna Gorontalo). The first advisor Prof. Nonny Basalama, MA, Ph.D and the second advisor Muziatun, M.App. Ling. Ph.D. The objectives of this study was to develop appropriate supplementary English reading materials for maritime at Nautical of commerce ship students based on ESP for Tenth Grade in Vocational High School in Gorontalo as SMK Bina Taruna. The type of this study was Research and Development (R&D) by Tomlinson (2003). The subjects of the study were X grade student. This study involved 20 Nautical of commerce ship students based on ESP for Tenth Grade in Vocational High School in Gorontalo as SMK Bina Taruna. The instruments of the study were observation, interview, questionnaires and document analysis. The results of the needs analysis questionnaire were analyzed by using percentage. To validate the appropriateness of the book, the developed materials book was reviewed and evaluated by the expert. The result of needs analysis showed that in the part of students responded background it was found that the students have a lack experience about learning reading English especially in Nautical of commerce ship students. In the target needs and learning needs showed that the students needed materials for maritime which were attractive and interesting and based on maritime. The product of this study was supplementary English reading materials for maritime at Nautical of commerce ship students based on ESP for Tenth Grade in Vocational High School in Gorontalo. This product consisted of four units. Each unit had 8 activities. The result of the book evaluation from the expert showed that the developed supplementary English reading materials for Nautical of commerce ship students were categorized as strongly agreed. Moreover, the result of students perception about this product showed that the students mostly agree that the book suitable to be applied in the teaching and learning process especially in reading. Thus, it can be concluded that supplementary English reading materials for maritime at Nautical of commerce ship students based on ESP had been appropriated for Tenth Grade in Vocational High School in Gorontalo.
Keywords: Supplementary material, English for Maritime, materials development
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