Writer / NIM
ANSAR / 750115002
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. HASANUDDIN, M.Hum / 0031126374
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Doktor JOLANDA H D PILONGO, M.Pd / 0019045912
Ansar. 2020. Applying Classroom-Based Assesment Of 2013 Curiculum Of The Teachers Competences At SMPN 1 Limboto. Thesis, Graduated Programmed in Language Department, Gorontalo State Uniersity. Advisor (1) Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Fatsah, M.Hum, Advisor (2) Dr. Jolanda H.D Pilongo, M.Pd. This research is conducted to get accurate data of teacher achievement in learning target, how a teacher designs classroom based-assessment of curriculum, carries-out and analyzes teacher result of classroom- based assessment. This research focused on two techniques of classroom- based assessment. They are paper and pencil assessment and performance assessment. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Limboto. The source of this research is English teachers, the document of their instructional program (Lesson plan and Syllabus) that focused on the assessment section. The numbers of English teachers are four teachers. The sample schools have held the 2013 curriculum. The method was used is qualitative descriptive method. The data was collected by observation, interview, and documentation. In analyzing the data, the writer used some steps, they are putting in order of data, data reduction, display data, and unity of the data. By triangulation (observation data, interview data, and document study) that supported by member check and audit trail, the data can be trust. The result of this research shows that all of the teachers had known how to design classroom assessment but they have not designed it completely. All the teachers had carried out paper and pencil assessment and performance assessment in their teaching but they did not analyze students achievement based on classroom- based assessment. Based on the result of this research, I would like to suggest that an English teacher should, (1) design the assessment in their program, (2) make an assessment format or rubric in performance assessment and paper-pencil assessment, (3) analyze the students result to decide their achievement.
Key words: Classroom-based Assessment, 2013 curriculum.
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