Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. SUNARTO KADIR, M.Kes / 0018096605
Advisor 2 / NIDN
ABSTRAK Indra S. Luawo, 811411107. 2018. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Keberhasilan Penanganan Kasus Gizi Buruk di TFC Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Skripsi, Pembimbing I Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs. M.Kes dan Pembimbing II Dr. Sylva Flora Ninta Tarigan, SH. M.Kes. Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Upaya perbaikan gizi masyarakat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu gizi perseorangan dan masyarakat, antara lain melalui perbaikan pola konsumsi makanan, perbaikan perilaku sadar gizi peningkatan akses dan mutu pelayanan gizi serta kesehatan sesuai dengan kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana tingkat keberhasilan penanganan kasus gizi buruk di Therapeutic Fedding Centre (TFC) Kabupaten Bone Bolango dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan penanganan kasus gizi buruk di Therapeutic Fedding Centre (TFC) Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Desain penelitian adalah Deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh orangtua balita gizi buruk yang pernah dirawat di Theurapeutic Fedding Centre (TFC) sejak tahun 2015-2017 yakni sebanyak 97 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yakni purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 orang. Variabel yang ditetili adalah pengetahuan orangtua balita, kinerja tenaga kesehatan di TFC dan kepuasan pasien di TFC dengan analisis univariat Hasil penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan pengetahuan orangtua balita yakni dengan kategori baik sebanyak 15 orang (75%) dan kategori kurang sebanyak 5 orang (25%), berdasarkan kinerja tenaga kesehatan di TFC yakni diperoleh dengan kategori baik sebanyak 11 orang (55%) dan kategori kurang sebanyak 9 orang (45%), berdasarkan kepuasan pasien di TFC yakni diperoleh dengan kategori puas sebanyak 13 orang (65%) dan kategori tidak puas sebanyak 7 orang (35%). Disarankan bagi orangtua balita untuk dapat memperhatikan asupan makanan yang akan dikonsumsi oleh balita. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Kinerja, Kepuasan, Tingkat Keberhasilan ABSTRACT Luawo, Indra S. 811411107. 2018. Factors Affecting Success Rate of Malnutrition Case in TFC Bone Bolango District. Undergraduate Thesis. Principal Supervisor: Dr. Sunarto Kadir, Drs. M.Kes. Principal Supervisor: Dr. Sylva Flora Ninta Tarigan, SH. M.Kes. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of Public Health. Faculty of Sports and Health. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The efforts to improve community nutrition aim to enhance the quality of individual and community nutrition, which is implemented through improving food consumption patterns, improving nutritional awareness behavior, increasing access and quality of nutrition services, as well as health by the advancement of science and technology. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the success rate of handling malnutrition cases in Therapeutic Feeding Center (TFC) in Bone Bolango District with the aim of knowing the success rate of handling malnutrition cases in Therapeutic Feeding Center (TFC) Bone Bolango District. The research design is quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study involved all 97 parents of malnourished toddlers who had been treated in Therapeutic Feeding Center (TFC) since 2015-2017. As many as 20 parents were selected by using purposive sampling. The variables of the research comprised knowledge of toddlers' parents, the performance of health workers in TFC and satisfaction of patients in TFC with univariate analysis. The results show that 15 (75%) parents of toddlers have sufficient knowledge (good category). As many as five people (25%) are the opposite (poor category). A total of 11 people (55%) health workers in TFC have "good" category" in terms of their performance, and as many as nine people (45%) are in "poor" category. Based on the level of satisfaction, as many as 13 people (65%) patients in TFC are in the "satisfied" category, and as many as seven people (35%) are in the "dissatisfied" category. It is recommended for parents of toddlers to be able to pay attention to the intake of food to be consumed by toddlers. Keywords: Knowledge, Performance, Satisfaction, Level of Success
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