Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. LINTJE BOEKOESOE, M.Kes / 0010015915
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Dr. LAKSMYN KADIR, S.Pd., M.Kes / 0014037503
Tri Ambarwati Manahumbing, 2020. Gambaran Efektifitas Aluminium Sulfate dan Kalsium Hipoklorit Dalam Menurunkan Kekeruhan Air Limbah Rumah Tangga Dengan Metode Multi Sedimentasi Di Kelurahan Heledulaa Utara Kecamatan Kota Timur Kota Gorontalo. Skripsi, Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing I Dr. Hj. Lintje Boekoesoe, Dra, M.Kes, Pembimbing II Dr. Hj. Laksmyn Kadir, S.Pd, M.Kes. Limbah cair terbesar di Indonesia salah satunya dari hasil kegiatan rumah tangga, hal ini dikarenakan jumlah penduduk yang besar sehingga volume limbah yang dihasilkan juga semakin tinggi. Kegiatan yang menghasilkan limbah rumah tangga yaitu mandi, mencuci serta memasak (gray water). penambahan koagulan, seperti aluminium sulfate dan kalsium hipoklorit dapat mengikat senyawa dalam air limbah. Rumusan masalah apakah ada perbedaan efektifitas aluminium sulfate dan kalsium hipoklorit dalam menurunkan kekeruhan air limbah rumah tangga dengan metode multi sedimentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran efektifitas aluminium sulfate dan kalsium hipoklorit dalam menurunkan kekeruhan air limbah rumah tangga dengan metode multi sedimentasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen denan desain penelitian Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Analisis data Descriptiv Statistic. Hasil penelitian diperoleh tingkat kekeruhan sebelum 260 NTU setelah penambahan aluminium sulfate diperoleh tingkat kekeruhan pengendapan pertama 25,0 NTU perbandingan 90.4% dalam waktu 40 m, kedua 15,0 NTU perbandingan 94.2%, dalam waktu 30 m, ketiga 5,60 NTU perbandingan 97.8% dalam waktu 25 m. Sedangkan kalsium hipoklorit tingkat kekeruhan pengendapan pertama 95,0 NTU perbandingan 63.5%, dalam waktu 60 m, kedua 31,0 NTU perbandingan 88.1% dalam waktu50 m, ketiga 7.70 NTU perbandingan 97.0 % dalam waktu 30 m. Disimpulkan bahwa aluminium Sulfate lebih cepat dan efektif dalam menurunkan kekeruhan air limbah rumah tangga dengan metode multi sedimentasi, sedangkan kalsium hipoklorit kurang efektif, sehingga disarankan Kepada peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat menggunakan konsentrasi yang lebih efektif, dan mengukur parameter-parameter lainnya dengan volume air limbah yang tepat agar tidak membayakan kesehatan. Kata Kunci : Aluminium Sulfate, Kalsium Hipoklorit, Kekeruhan, Air Limbah Tri Ambarwati Manahumbing, 2020. The Description of Effectiveness of Aluminium Sulfate and Calcium Hypochlorite in Reducing Household Wastewater Turbidity through Multi Sedimentation Method in Heledulaa Utara Village, Kota Timur Sub-districk, Gorontalo City. Skripsi. Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sports and Health, State University of Gorontalo. The principal supervisor is Dr. Hj. Lintje Boekoesoe, Dra, M.Kes. and the co-supervisor is Dr. Hj. Laksmyn Kadir, S.Pd, M.Kes. One of the indonesias highest liquid waste is from result of household activity due to large population has increased volume of the waste. Activities which generate household waste are bathing, washing, and cooking (grey water), increase of coagulant such as aluminium silfate and calcium hypochlorite which may bind compound in the wastewater. Problem statement of this research was whether or not there is difference of effectiveness of aluminium sulfate and calcium hypochlorite in reducing household wastewater turbidity trough multi sedimentation method. The research objective was to find out the description of effectiviness of aluminium sulfate and calcium hypochlorite in reducing household wastewater turbidity through multi sedimentation method. The method applied in this research was expremental with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and descriptive statistics data analysis. The researsh finding showed that the turbidity level before 260 NTU and after addition of aluminium sulfate obtained first sedimentation turbidity level of 25,0 NTU with 90,4% comparison in 40 minutes, second one was 15,0 NTU with 94,2% comparison in 30 minutes and third one was 5,60 NTU with 97,8% comparison in 25 minutes. Meanwhile. the calcium hypochlorite found first sedimentation turbidity level for 95,0 NTU with 63,5% comparison in 60 minutes second one was 31,0 NTU with 88,1% comparison in 50 minutes and third one was 7,70 NTU with 97,0% comparison in 30 minutes. In conclusion, aluminium sulfate was quicker and more effective in reducing household wastewater turbidity while calcium hypochlorite was less effective so that the next researcher is suggested to use more effective concentration and to measure other parameters with right wastewater volume so that is not hazardous for health. Keywords : Aluminium Sulfate, Calcium Hypochlorite, Turbidity Wastewater
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