Writer / NIM
MUTIA AKUBA / 811416036
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. LAKSMYN KADIR, S.Pd., M.Kes / 0014037503
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Asma merupakan gangguan inflamasi kronik pada saluran napas yang melibatkan banyak sel dan elemennya yang menjadi masalah kesehatan.Penyakit Asma dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain paparan asap rokok, elergi, dan riwayat keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan paparan asap rokok, alergi, riwayat keluarga dengan penderita asma. Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Toto Utara pada bulan September 2020.
Jenis penelitian menggunakan Observasional Analitik dengan desain Cross Sectional. Populasi adalah penderita asma yang berkunjung dan mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan serta tercatat dalam pelaporan terpadu Puskesmas Toto Utara yang berjumlah 80 orang.Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara total Sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Analisis hubungan antara variabel menggunakan Uji Chi Square.
Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis uji Chi Square diperoleh ada hubungan antara Paparan Asap Rokok (p=0,002), Alergi (p=0,005), Riwayat Keluarga (p=0,001) dengan penderita asma.
Adapun saran yang diberikan, Puskesmas diharapakan perlu melakukan penyuluhan tentang asma dan dengan meningkatkan upaya promotif dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentangfaktorrisikoasma.
Kata Kunci : Asma, Rokok, Alergi, Riwayat Keluarga.
Asthma is a chronic inflammation disorder in respiratory tract involving many cells and their elements, which becomes a health problem. Asthma disease is influenced by some factors such as exposure to cigarette smoke, allergy, and family's medical history. This research aimed at investigating the correlation between exposure of cigarette smoke, allergy, and family's medical history with asthma incident. It had been conducted at Work Area of Puskesmas Toto Utara in September 2020.
The research was an analytical observational study with cross sectional design. The population was asthma sufferers who visited and got the health services at Puskesmas Toto Utara amounted to 80 people. Samples were determined by total sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaire, and the analysis of correlation between variables used Chi Square test.
Findings revealed that the correlation between exposure to cigarette smoke with asthma incident obtained p value for 0,002, allergy with asthma incident obtained p value for 0,005, and family's medical history with asthma incident obtained p value 0,001.
The recommendation is that the puskesmas is expected to do counselling about asthma and to improve the promotional effort by improving the people knowledge about risk factors of asthma.
Keywords: Asthma, Cigarette, Allergy, Family's Medical History
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