Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Prof. Dr. SUNARTO KADIR, M.Kes / 0018096605
Advisor 2 / NIDN
EKAWATY PRASETYA, S.Si, M.Kes / 0027028105
Abstrak Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) merupakan zat aditif pada makanan yang meningkatkan cita rasa makanan. Konsumsi MSG secara berlebihan dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan status gizi berlebih (overweight) hingga obesitas. Rumusan masalah apakah ada hubungan konsumsi makanan mengandung Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) dengan kejadian obesitas pada Siswa SDN 4 Suwawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan konsumsi makanan mengandung Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) dengan kejadian obesitas pada Siswa SDN 4 Suwawa Tengah. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif menggunakan metode Obervasional Analitik desain penelitian Cross sectional. Total sampel 99 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dan alat ukur. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsumsi makanan mengandung MSG pada responden yang mengkonsumsi MSG dalam jumlah yang tinggi sebanyak 46 responden (46,5%) dan sebagian besar responden mengalami obesitas sejumlah 35 responden (35,4%). Hasil uji statistic rank spearman diperoleh angka signifikan probabilitas (0,000) menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara hubungan konsumsi makanan mengandung MSG dengan kejadian obesitas. Simpulan terdapat hubungan antara konsumsi makanan mengandung Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) dengan kejadian obesitas pada siswa SDN 4 Suwawa Tengah dengan nilaip value = 0.000 ����¤ ���¬ 0.05. Diharapkan kepada responden agar dapat mengurangi mengkonsumsi makanan cepat saji yang tidak diketahui kadar MSG didalamnya. Kata kunci : Konsumsi makanan, Monosodium Glutamat (MSG), Obesitas Abstrack Monosodium Glutamte (MSG) is a food additive that enhances the taste of food. Excessive consumption of MSG can cause health problems, excess nutritional status (overweight) to obesity. The formulation of the problem is whetheror not there is a relation between the consumption of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and obesity in students of SDN 4 Suwawa Tengah. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between consumption of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and obesity in students of SDN 4 Suwawa Tengah. This type of research is quantitatuve using analytical obesrvational merhod with cross sectional research instrument used questionnaires and measuring tools. Data analysis uses Spearman Rank Test. The results showed that 46 respondents (46,5%) highly consumed MSG and 35 respondents (35,4%) were overweight. Spearman rank statistic test result obtained a significant number of probability (0,000), indicating that there is a relation between the consumption of MSG an the incidence of obesity. The conclusion is that there is a relation between the consumption of Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) with the incidence of obesity in students of SDN 4 Suwawa Tengah, with a value = ����¤ ���¬ 0,05. Therefore, it is expected that the respondent can reduce the consumption of fast food with unknown levels of MSG in it. Keywords: Food consumption, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Obesity
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