Writer / NIM
INDRIYANI NUR / 821414111
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. WIDYSUSANTI ABDULKADIR, S.Si, M.Si.Apt / 0017127106
Advisor 2 / NIDN
NUR AIN THOMAS, S.Si, M.Si.Apt / 0031128201
ABSTRAK Indriyani Nur. 2016. PROFIL PENYIMPANAN OBAT DI PUSKESMAS WONGKADITI KOTA GORONTALO TAHUN 2015. Skripsi, Jurusan Farmasi, Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan dan Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Pembimbing: (I) Ibu Dr. Widysusanti Abdulkadir. M.Si., Apt, dan (II) Ibu Nur'ain Thomas, S.Si., M.Si., Apt. Penyimpanan adalah suatu kegiatan menyimpan dan memelihara dengan cara menempatkan perbekalan farmasi yang diterima pada tempat yang dinilai aman dari pencurian serta gangguan fisik yang dapat merusak mutu obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyimpanan obat di Puskesmas Wongkaditi, Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Data primer diperoleh dari instrument chek list dan wawancara terhadap pihak yang terkait dengan penyimpanan obat di Puskesmas. ABSTRACT Indriyani Nur. 2016. DRUG STORAGE PROFILE AT WONGKADITI HEALTH CENTER, GORONTALO CITY, IN 2015. S1 Thesis. Study Program of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences and Sports, Gorontalo State University. Supervisors: (I) Dr. Widysusanti Abdulkadir. M.Si., Apt., and (II) Nur'ain Thomas, S.Si., M.Si., Apt. Storage was an activity to save and to preserve by placing the received pharmaceuticals supply into the place which safe from theft and physical disorders that can damage the quality of medicines. This study was aimed to determine the storage of medicines in Wongkaditi Health Center in Gorontalo City. This research was a Qualitative Descriptive Study by using Cross Sectional Approach. Primary data were obtained from the check list instruments and interviews with the parties related to the storage of medicines in health center. Then, the data was presented in the form of tables and analyzed by using univariate analysis (percentage). The results showed that there are some of storage of medicines in Wongkaditi Health Center, Gorontalo City, which had not fully qualified based on the standards set in Ministry of Health. It can be seen from the results : 1) the requirements of medicines and pharmacy warehouses was still 63,63 % appropriated with the standards of Ministry of Health; 2) the precentage of the setting of drug storage in the drugs and pharmacies warehouses was 6.67 %; 3) the percentage of condition of drugs storage in warehouses was 66.67 %; and 4) the percentage of observations of the quality of medicines in pharmacies and drug warehouses was 75 %. Keywords : Storage of Medicines, Qualitative Descriptive Study, Wongkaditi Health Center. Data tersebut kemudian sajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan di analisa menggunakan analisis univariat (persentase). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih ada beberapa penyimpanan obat di Puskesmas Wongkaditi Kota Gorontalo yang sepenuhnya belum memenuhi syarat sesuai standar yang di tetapkan Departemen Kesehatan. Hal ini dapat di lihat dari hasil penelitian: 1) persyaratan gudang obat dan apotik yang masih 63,63 % memenuhi standar sesuai Departemen Kesehatan ; 2) persentase pengaturan penyimpanan obat di gudang obat dan apotik 66,67 %; 3) persentase kondisi penyimpanan obat di gudang obat 66,67 %; dan 4) persentase pengamatan mutu obat di gudang obat dan apotik 75%. Kata Kunci : Penyimpanan Obat, Penelitian Desriptif Kualitatif, Puskesmas Wongkaditi.
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