Writer / NIM
Study Program
Advisor 1 / NIDN
Dr. JURIKO ABDUSSAMAD, M.Si / 0023076707
Advisor 2 / NIDN
Dr FENTI PRIHATINI TUI, S.Pd., M.Si / 0008027806
FATMAWATI MOHAMAD. 941418004. 2022 Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Program Bank Sampah Di Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Program S1 Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, dibawah bimbingan Ibu Dr. Juriko Abdussamad, M.Si dan Dr. Fenti Prihatini Dance Tui, S.Pd, M.Si Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) bagaimana proses Implementasi Kebijakan pengelolaan sampah melalui program bank sampah di Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Bone Bolango dilihat dari beberapa aspek (a) aspek tanggung jawab, (b) aspek berkelanjutan, (c) aspek manfaat, (d) aspek nilai ekonomi dan (2) Faktor- faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan kebijakan pengelolaan sampah melalui program bank sampah di Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Bone Bolango meliputi, tingkat kepatuhan, kelancaran rutinitas fungsi, kinerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang digunakan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa (1) proses implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan sampah melalui program bank sampah di Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Bone Bolango meliputi, aspek tanggung jawab, aspek berkelanjutan, aspek manfaat, aspek nilai ekonomi secara keseluruhan pada umumnya telah dilakukan dengan baik, tetapi belum efektif dilaksanakan, masih terdapat kendala seperti keterbatasan bangunan bank sampah, keterbatasan sumber daya manusia, belum adanya penggajian, serta minimnya pengawasan pihak pemerintah terhadap bank sampah. (2) faktor-faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan sampah melalui program bank sampah yang meliputi tingkat kepatuhan, kelancaran rutinitas fungsi, dan kinerja. Secara keseluruhan faktor-faktor tersebut belum dilakukan dengan maksimal seperti kurangnya sosialisasi, kurangnya pelatihan dan perlunya peningkatan mengenai sarana dan prasarana, sehingga dapat terpenuhi sesuai dengan harapan dari tujuan sistem bank sampah itu sendiri. Kata Kunci : Implementasi Kebijakan, Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Program Bank Sampah FATMAWATI MOHAMAD, Student ID Number 941418004, 2022. Implementation of Waste Management Policy through the Waste Bank Program at the Environmental Service of Bone Bolango Regency. Undergraduate Thesis. Study Program of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The principal supervisor is Dr. Juriko Abdussamad, M.Si, and the co-supervisor is Dr. Fenti Prihatini Dance Tui, S.Pd., M.Si. This study aims to find out (1) the process of implementing waste management policy through the waste bank program at the Environmental Service of Bone Bolango Regency seen from several aspects (a) responsibility aspect, (b) sustainable aspect, (c) benefits aspect, (d) economic value aspect, and (2) the factors that determine the success of waste management policy through the waste bank program at the Environmental Service of Bone Bolango Regency include the level of compliance, the smooth functioning of routines, and performance. This study uses a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive research. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that (1) the process of implementing waste management policy through the waste bank program at the Environmental Service of Bone Bolango Regency seen from several aspects, namely responsibility aspect, sustainability aspect, benefits aspect, and economic value aspect, has been carried out well, but not yet effectively implemented. However, there are still obstacles such as limited waste bank buildings, limited human resources, no payroll, and lack of government supervision of waste banks. (2) the factors that determine the success of the implementation of waste management policy through the waste bank program which include the level of compliance, smooth routine functions, and performance, have not been carried out optimally. This is caused by several factors such as lack of socialization, lack of training, and the need for improvements in facilities and infrastructure so that they still cannot be fulfilled the expectations of the objectives of the waste bank system itself. Keywords: Policy Implementation, Waste Management through the Waste Bank Program
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