Syamsu Qamar Badu
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The purpose of this research was to determine the Work Environment Relations and
Compensation With Teacher Job Satisfaction in Junior High School in the city of Gorontalo.
This research uses a correlational study with a kind of quantitative research approaches.
Data collection techniques used are questionnaires. The population in this research are all
teachers of SMP in the city of Gorontalo which amounted to 500 people, and the sample is 83
people. Sampling in this research using the formula slovin. Data analysis techniques used in
this research is a simple linear correlation analysis and multiple correlation analysis. The
research results showed that: (1) there is a positive relationship working environment and
job satisfaction of teachers by 77.26%, which means that when creating a good work
environment, then the teacher job satisfaction also increased, (2) there is a positive
relationship with job satisfaction teacher compensation amounting to 83.54%, meaning that
increasingly rising compensation system obtained by the teacher, it will increase the level of
job satisfaction of teachers, (3) there is a positive correlation between the work environment
and compensation together with teacher job satisfaction by 86.86%, meaning more conducive
work environment experienced by a teacher and the better the system of compensation
received will increase the level of job satisfaction of teachers. As for suggestions that are
donated to the principalin ordertocarry out its leadership always create a good working
environment by implementing a well-planned management system, can be implemented and
can be measured, so as to create a conducive working environment in schools and implement
a system of fair compensation and performance-based in order to satisfaction increase
teachers work.
Keywords: Work Environment, Compensation, and Job SatisfactionOf Teachers
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