Syamsu Qamar Badu
- Pendidikan
The performance of the government apparatus is increasingly intensely demanded
by the Apparatus in the real action of the service movement, in this case in the National
Mental Revolution Movement, given the importance of apparatus bureaucratic reform
in all agencies, as well as the role of the village government, as public servants . organize
and manage village administration, in improving the quality of services for the
community. This research was conducted in North Gorontalo District, Anggrek District.
The Research Objectives to determine service performance village government
apparatus in providing public services , through orderly administration to villagers,
consisting of 5 (Five) Villages, namely; Iloheluma, Langge, Popalo, Mootilango, Talanga,
and Putiana villages . The method used is quantitative descriptive, for the purpose in the
presentation of research results described quantitatively and described more f leksibel,
in order to freely explore and examine more specifically according deng Permas an a la
han this study. Informants yes ng set is the head of the village, village, village
consultative body, the Institute of Rural Community Empowerment, youth, religious
leaders, village leaders and villagers. The results of the study show that from the three
performance indicators, namely; 1) productivity, not good enough, (can be seen in the
lack of providing services to the community , with sub indicators of labor discipline, work
ethic and work responsibilities are answered respondents are in the low category, 65%).
2) Service quality is good enough (can be shown by the communication, skills / reliability,
friendliness, and timeliness of village officials in serving the community , through
responses from the community, the response is in the good category, which is 78%). 3)
Accountability in service in the field of adm i nistrasi to the public, is in good enough
category, it is seen on the answer resoponden for low integrity, service provision in the
field of admininistrative population, yet pretty good views of the implementation of the
rules da norms and ethics of public service.
Keywords : Village Administration Management. Village Apparatus Services
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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