Irwan Wunarlan
- Teknik
Abstract: Purpose: One region in Gorontalo Province that has a high economic growth rate is Pohuwato District with Marisa as the capital. Marisa City, as the core area and as the center of new growth, needs economic infrastructure services to support the economic activity so it can promote the economic growth of the city and the region as well. Design/Methodology/Approach: It requires studies on the service coverage of economic infrastructure and accessibility from the activities center for the development of a region. This research used the descriptive quantitative method. Data were collected through surveys from various institutions while secondary data were originating from BPS (Statistics Indonesia) Pohuwato District in 2016. The research consists of three stages of analysis, namely: (1) accessibility analysis, (2) scalogram analysis and (3) economic service coverage analysis. Findings: The results show that accessibility in Randangan Sub-district has a better service coverage in terms of equitable accessibility compared to Marisa City and Paguat Sub-district. However, the calculation of the gravity model on Marisa City (urban) has a high attraction towards other sub-districts (hinterland). Practical implications: Marisa City has a higher accessibility than its hinterland areas, that is Duhiadaa (67.16), Buntulia (17.93) and Paguat (11, 88) sub-districts. In addition, Marisa City (Marisa Sub-district) has the highest function index value that places Marisa Sub-district in the first order followed by the Paguat, Randangan and Patilanggio Sub-district. Originality/Value: No other study has approached the issue from this prospective making the present study unique for the development of infrastructure in services. Keywords: Infrastructure, economic service, region, urban, hinterland region. Paper type: Research article.
University of Piraeus, International Strategic Management Association
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