Abdul Hamid Isa
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This study aims to determine the development of motivation and performance of the civil service in the Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar. The research used in this study is qualitative research with the type of research that describes research that discusses data based on facts (facts) obtained in the field. The method used was a survey method with a questionnaire submitted to respondents as an instrument of research and this study was a tutor to study at the SKB in the Non-formal Education School (SPNF) SKB Batudaa District, Gorontalo District, and the total sample of 9 respondents. The results of the study showed that the training organized by the Gorontalo Province Education Office was in the context of increasing learning competence, increasing the ability to become a benchmark to improve learning performance. But in reality in the field, the tutelage compilation is included in the training activities, not all of them implement the results of the training in the training venue. Of course this also affects Performance Improvement. Because tutors who have attended competency training and improved performance, by implementing the results of training in the workplace, but on the challenge, to implement the results of the training encountered unsupportive constraints, so that in the end the learning guard who should become a professional could not even be able to advance the institution.
KEYWORDS: Development, Motivation and Performance
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