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7126 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : HKI Stock Assesment Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 138
7127 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism An eco-friendly fishing model in North Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 163
7128 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Marketing Efficiency of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Boalemo Regency Gorontalo pdf 131
7129 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Distribution of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Gorontalo Province Indonesia pdf 141
7130 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Participation of the Community in Management of Tourist in the Village of Torosiaje Sub District Popayato District of Pohuwato Gorontalo Province pdf 181
7131 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Assessing public awareness level on the preservation of coral reefs (The case study in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia) pdf 165
7132 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer An eco-friendly fishing model in North Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 152
7133 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer Marketing Efficiency of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Boalemo Regency Gorontalo pdf 166
7134 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer Distribution of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Gorontalo Province Indonesia pdf 183
7135 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer Participation of the Community in Management of Tourist in the Village of Torosiaje Sub District Popayato District of Pohuwato Gorontalo Province pdf 175
7136 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer Assessing public awareness level on the preservation of coral reefs (The case study in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia) pdf 212
7137 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer HaKI Buku Stock Assesment Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 227
7138 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Revision of Plagiarism Assessing public awareness level on the preservation of coral reefs (The case study in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia) pdf 134
7139 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Revision of Plagiarism Participation of the Community in Management of Tourist in the Village of Torosiaje Sub District Popayato District of Pohuwato Gorontalo Province pdf 120
7140 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Revision of Plagiarism Distribution of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Gorontalo Province Indonesia pdf 153
7141 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Revision of Plagiarism Distribution of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Gorontalo Province Indonesia pdf 125
7142 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Revision of Plagiarism Marketing Efficiency of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Boalemo Regency Gorontalo pdf 164
7143 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Revision of Plagiarism An eco-friendly fishing model in North Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 219
7144 Lis M. Yapanto Optimization Strategy of Village Organization Functions and Roles to Resilience Village of COVID-19 pdf 58
7145 Lis M. Yapanto Buku Tataniaga Hasil Perikanan pdf 225
7147 Lis M. Yapanto SURAT PENCATATAN CIPTAAN Salvador Dali Coral_Olele Gorontalo pdf 80
7148 Lis M. Yapanto TURNITIN Alternative income of Tomini Bay Coastal Communities (case study in Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia) pdf 79
7149 Lis M. Yapanto TURNITIN Closed-Loop Supply Chain Design and Pricing in Competitive Conditions by Considering the Variable Value of Return Products Using the Whale Optimization Algorithm pdf 85
7150 Lis M. Yapanto TURNITIN Different T cell related immunological profiles in COVID-19 patients compared to healthy controls pdf 115