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11126 Rakhmat Jaya Lahay Ekstraksi Perubahan Tutupan Vegetasi Di Kabupaten Gorontalo Menggunakan Google Earth Engine pdf 314
11127 Rakhmat Jaya Lahay Penilaian Indeks Vegetasi untuk ekstraksi tutupan Vegetasi di DAS Limboto Menggunakan Data Landsat dan Teknologi Informasi Geospasial pdf 329
11128 Rakhmawaty Ahmad Asui Sintesis Katalis CuO/CeO2/Al2O3 (20%:5%:75%) Secara Hidrotermal dan Uji Katalitiknya pada Reaksi Reformasi Kukus Metanol pdf 929
11129 Rakhmawaty Ahmad Asui Sintesis Katalis Cuo/Ceo2/Al2O3 secara Hidrotermal sebagai Fuel Sel Bahan Bakar Hidrogen pdf 427
11130 Rakhmawaty Ahmad Asui Sintesis Katalis CuO/CeO2/AI2O3 Secara Hidrotermal Sebagai Fuel Reformer Sel Bahan Bakar Hidrogen pdf 537
11131 Rakhmawaty Ahmad Asui Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Material Superkonduktor Oksida YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) Menggunakan Metode Solid State Reaction pdf
11132 Rama Hiola Peer Review - Ensemble Method Of Classification Tree On Diabetes Mellitus Patient Dr. M. M. Dunda Hospital Of Gorontalo pdf 360
11133 Rama Hiola Peer Review - The Welfare of Fishermen in Gorontalo Using Structural Equation Modelling pdf 393
11134 Rama Hiola Peer Review - Adaptive Regression Spline Approach On Complaints Eye Fatigue Craftsmen Makarawo In Gorontalo Province pdf 355
11135 Rama Hiola Peer Review - Pengaruh Personal Hyginie dengan Kejadian penyakit Kulit pada Petugas Pengelola Sampah di TPA Talumelito Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 401
11136 Rama Hiola Peer Review - Profil Statistik dan Indikator Gender Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup di Gorontalo pdf 366
11137 Rama Hiola Peer Review - Kepedulian Terhadap Pendidikan Masyarakat Miskin Yang Berorientasi Pada Kesehatan Masyarakat pdf 406
11138 Rama Hiola Peer Review - The Effect of Snakehead (Ophiocephalus streatus) Fish Water Extract Cream on the Recovery of Rabbit's (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Skin Wound Histopathologically pdf 382
11139 Rama Hiola Review Forecasting Model Of Inpatient In Interna Room Of Aloei Saboe Gorontalo Hospital pdf 627
11140 Rama Hiola Review Pemodelan Kasus HIV AIDS Menggunakan Cox Proportional Hazard pdf 693
11141 Rama Hiola Peer Review Jurnal Formulation and Evaluation of Langsat (Lansium domesticum Corr.) Peel Ethanol Extracts Lotion as Anti-Mosquito Repellent pdf 314
11142 Rama Hiola The Welfare of Fishermen in Gorontalo Using Structural Equation Modelling pdf 553
11143 Rama Hiola Adaptive Regression Spline Approach On Complaints Eye Fatigue Craftsmen in Gorontalo pdf 423
11144 Rama Hiola SMILE-Approach Model in Implementation of NHI Policy in North Gorontalo District pdf 765
11145 Rama Hiola REVISI Jurnal Mercury Levels In The River Water and Urine of Traditional Gold Miners in Hulawa Village East Sumalata District North Gorontalo Regency pdf 695
11146 Rama Hiola Certificate Of Origanilty jurnal Mercury Levels in the River Water and Urine of Traditional Gold Miners in Hulawa Village East Sumalata District North Gorontalo Regency pdf 202
11147 Rama Hiola Peer Review Jurnal Mercury Levels in The River Water and Urine of Traditional Gold Miners in Hulawa Village East Sumalata District North Gorontalo Regency pdf 253
11148 Rama Hiola Certificate of Originality Check and Originality Report Journal "Formulation and Evaluation of Langsat (Lansium domesticum Corr.) Peel Ethanol Extracts Lotion as Anti-Mosquito Repellent" pdf 300
11149 Rama Hiola Revisi__Jurnal "Formulation and Evaluation of Langsat (Lansium domesticum Corr.) Peel Ethanol Extracts Lotion as Anti-Mosquito Repellent" pdf 542
11150 Rama Hiola Peer Review Jurnal Modelling of Stunting Events Based on Nutritional Status of Elementary School Students pdf 301