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1301 Amirudin Yunus Dako Konsep, Strategi dan Implementasi Management Energy Pada Sebuah Industri (Jurnal Pelangi Ilmu ISSN 1979-5262 No. 5, Volume 2) pdf
1302 Amirudin Yunus Dako Sistem Informasi Pembenihan Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura Dalam Mendukung Program Agropolitan di Provinsi Gorontalo (National Industrial Conference Electical and Electronic (NICEE), Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon-Banten) pdf
1303 Amirudin Yunus Dako Sistem Informasi Monitoring Perkuliahan Fakultas Teknik Berbasis WEB pdf
1304 Amirudin Yunus Dako Prototipe Website Untuk Sajian Informasi Profil Desa Binaan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Sebagai Salah Satu Implementasi Pengembanan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi pdf 7495
1305 Amirudin Yunus Dako Prototipe Website Untuk Sajian Informasi Profil Desa Binaan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Sebagai Salah Satu Implementasi Pengembangan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi pdf 4164
1307 Andi Juanna Penerapan Internal Marketing untuk Menciptakan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan dalam Upaya Mendorong Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Lembaga Pembiayaan di Gorontalo pdf 1946
1308 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 139
1309 Andi Juanna Peer Review: How To Entice Employees?: An Attempt to Reduce Labor Turn Over pdf 180
1310 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Potential Marketing Development of Traditional Food Business of South Sulawesi People pdf 198
1311 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Does Internal Marketing Contribute to Customer Satisfaction? pdf 114
1312 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Pengaruh Kepercayaan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Indihome pdf 135
1313 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Pengaruh Sales Promotion terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus pada Mitra Elektronik Superstore Kota Gorontalo) pdf 157
1314 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Penerapan Internal Marketing untuk Menciptakan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan dalam Upaya Mendorong Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Lembaga Pembiayaan di Gorontalo pdf 147
1315 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Comparison of Public Sector Service Quality pdf 141
1316 Andi Juanna Turnitin Jurnal: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 148
1317 Andi Juanna Turnitin Jurnal: Potential Marketing Development of Traditional Food Business of South Sulawesi People pdf 160
1318 Andi Juanna Turnitin Jurnal: How To Entice Employees?: An Attempt to Reduce Labor Turn Over pdf 156
1319 Andi Juanna Turnitin Artikel: A Study of the Impact of Bank Credit on the Performanceof Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Provinceof Gorontalo pdf 122
1320 Andi Juanna Peer Review Artikel: A Study of the Impact of Bank Credit on the Performance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Province of Gorontalo pdf 122
1321 Andi Juanna Peer Review Artikel: Analysis of the Relationship Between Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate in Indonesia (Emerging Market) and in Singapore (Developed Market) using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Analysis pdf 180
1322 Andi Juanna Korespondensi artikel: "A Study of the Impact of Bank Credit on the Performance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Province of Gorontalo" pdf 140
1323 Andi Juanna Turnitin: Analysis of the Effect of Customer Experience, with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable pdf 164
1324 Andi Juanna Turnitin: Analysis of the Relationship Between Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate in Indonesia (Emerging Market) and in Singapore (Developed Market) using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Analysis pdf 91
1325 Andi Juanna Turnitin: A Survey Study on the Efficacy of a Tourism Website: a Case of Botutonuo Beach in the Province of Gorontalo pdf 104