No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
1301 |
Amirudin Yunus Dako |
Konsep, Strategi dan Implementasi Management Energy Pada Sebuah Industri (Jurnal Pelangi Ilmu
ISSN 1979-5262 No. 5, Volume 2) |
pdf |
1302 |
Amirudin Yunus Dako |
Sistem Informasi Pembenihan Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura Dalam Mendukung Program Agropolitan di Provinsi Gorontalo (National Industrial Conference Electical and Electronic (NICEE), Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon-Banten) |
pdf |
1303 |
Amirudin Yunus Dako |
Sistem Informasi Monitoring Perkuliahan Fakultas Teknik Berbasis WEB |
pdf |
1304 |
Amirudin Yunus Dako |
Prototipe Website Untuk Sajian Informasi Profil Desa Binaan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Sebagai Salah Satu Implementasi Pengembanan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi
pdf |
7495 |
1305 |
Amirudin Yunus Dako |
Prototipe Website Untuk Sajian Informasi Profil Desa Binaan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Sebagai Salah Satu Implementasi Pengembangan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi
pdf |
4164 |
1306 |
Amirudin Yunus Dako |
pdf |
2012 |
1307 |
Andi Juanna |
Penerapan Internal Marketing untuk Menciptakan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan dalam Upaya Mendorong Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Lembaga Pembiayaan di Gorontalo |
pdf |
1946 |
1308 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
139 |
1309 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: How To Entice Employees?: An Attempt to Reduce Labor Turn Over |
pdf |
180 |
1310 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: Potential Marketing Development of Traditional Food Business of South Sulawesi People |
pdf |
198 |
1311 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: Does Internal Marketing Contribute to Customer Satisfaction? |
pdf |
114 |
1312 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: Pengaruh Kepercayaan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Indihome |
pdf |
135 |
1313 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: Pengaruh Sales Promotion terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus pada Mitra Elektronik Superstore Kota Gorontalo) |
pdf |
157 |
1314 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: Penerapan Internal Marketing untuk Menciptakan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan dalam Upaya Mendorong Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Lembaga Pembiayaan di Gorontalo |
pdf |
147 |
1315 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review: Comparison of Public Sector Service Quality |
pdf |
141 |
1316 |
Andi Juanna |
Turnitin Jurnal: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
148 |
1317 |
Andi Juanna |
Turnitin Jurnal: Potential Marketing Development of Traditional Food Business of South Sulawesi People |
pdf |
160 |
1318 |
Andi Juanna |
Turnitin Jurnal: How To Entice Employees?: An Attempt to Reduce Labor Turn Over |
pdf |
156 |
1319 |
Andi Juanna |
Turnitin Artikel: A Study of the Impact of Bank Credit on the Performanceof Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Provinceof Gorontalo |
pdf |
122 |
1320 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review Artikel: A Study of the Impact of Bank Credit on the Performance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Province of Gorontalo |
pdf |
122 |
1321 |
Andi Juanna |
Peer Review Artikel: Analysis of the Relationship Between Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate in Indonesia (Emerging Market) and in Singapore (Developed Market) using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Analysis |
pdf |
180 |
1322 |
Andi Juanna |
Korespondensi artikel: "A Study of the Impact of Bank Credit on the Performance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Province of Gorontalo" |
pdf |
140 |
1323 |
Andi Juanna |
Turnitin: Analysis of the Effect of Customer Experience, with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable |
pdf |
164 |
1324 |
Andi Juanna |
Turnitin: Analysis of the Relationship Between Stock Price Index and Exchange Rate in Indonesia (Emerging Market) and in Singapore (Developed Market) using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) Analysis |
pdf |
91 |
1325 |
Andi Juanna |
Turnitin: A Survey Study on the Efficacy of a Tourism Website: a Case of Botutonuo Beach in the Province of Gorontalo |
pdf |
104 |