No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
2876 |
Yuniarti Koniyo |
Effect of Different Density to Growth and Survival of Gurame Seedling (Osphoronemus gouramy) |
pdf |
784 |
2877 |
Ayuddin |
Effect of External Confinement on Concrete Columns cFRP Orientation |
pdf |
547 |
2878 |
Umbang Arif Rokhayati |
Effect of Fermentation Trunk Banana Shoes (Moses Paradisiaca Forma Typica) Body Weight Against Added Bali Cattle (Bos Sondaicus) |
pdf |
223 |
2879 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
Effect of Leaf Extract (Jatropha curcas L.)Towards the Microbiolagic Quality of Layang Fish TPC (Decapterus sp.)At Room Temperature Storage |
pdf |
115 |
2880 |
Herlina Rasjid |
Effect of Liability Asset Management and Company Growth on Company Value in Banking Industry Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange |
pdf |
239 |
2881 |
Nurdin |
Effect of Slopes and Compound NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Maize Local Varieties, RAE and EFE in Bumela, Indonesia |
pdf |
271 |
2882 |
Nurdin |
Effect of Slopes and Compound NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Maize Local Varieties, Relative Agronomic and Economic Fertilizer Effectiveness to Inceptisol Bumela, Indonesia |
pdf |
2883 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Effect of Village Funds on Poverty Levels in Momunu District of Buol Regency |
pdf |
137 |
2884 |
Elya Nusantari |
Effectiveness of Environmentally-Based Science Learning towards Environmentally-Friendly Character of Students in Coastal Area |
pdf |
2885 |
Abdul Hamid Isa |
Effectiveness of Mathematical Learning Module in Community Education Unit |
pdf |
124 |
2886 |
Nursiya Bito |
Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning with Classroom Integrated Character Education at Tridharma Vocational School, Gorontalo Indonesia |
pdf |
168 |
2887 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Effectiveness of Utilizing Village Fund Allocation: Case in Gorontalo Regency Universitas Negeri Gorontal |
pdf |
153 |
2888 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Effects of Capital Expenditures, Development Index and Unemployment on Poverty in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
424 |
2889 |
Vivien Novarina A. Kasim |
Effects of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) peel to the
expression of mRNA toll?like receptors 4 in balb/c
mice?infected Salmonella typhi |
pdf |
2890 |
Vivien Novarina A. Kasim |
Effects of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) peel to the expression of mRNA toll‑like receptors 4 in balb/c mice‑infected Salmonella typhi |
pdf |
414 |
2891 |
Mohamad Awal Lakadjo |
Efikasi Program Konseling Pranikah untuk Kesiapan Menikah dan Hidup Berkeluarga di Perguruan Tinggi |
pdf |
349 |
2892 |
Mohamad Awal Lakadjo |
Efikasi Program Konseling Pranikah untuk Kesiapan Menikah dan Hidup Berkeluarga di Perguruan Tinggi |
pdf |
2893 |
Wawan Pembengo |
Efisiensi Penggunaan Cahaya Matahari oleh Tebu pada Berbagai Tingkat Pemupukan Nitrogen dan Fosfor |
pdf |
807 |
2894 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Efisiensi dan Efekivitas Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah di Provinsi Gorontalo |
pdf |
761 |
2895 |
Muhammad Isman Jusuf |
Ekologi Daerah Bencana Tsunami Dengan Gangguan Kesehatan |
pdf |
2896 |
Herwin Mopangga |
Ekonomi Internasional |
pdf |
11287 |
2897 |
Ivan Rahmad Santoso |
Ekonomi Islam |
pdf |
25206 |
2898 |
Herwin Mopangga |
Ekonomi Pembangunan dan Dinamika Sosial |
pdf |
2899 |
Herwin Mopangga |
Ekonomi Technopreneurship |
pdf |
601 |
2900 |
Ramli Utina |
Ekosistem Mangrove dan Gelombang Tsunami |
pdf |
888 |