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3401 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : HKI Jenis-Jenis Nike Gorontalo pdf 163
3402 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Komposisi Dan Kepadatan Sampah Pantai Leato Utara, Kota Gorontalo pdf 1993
3403 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Laporan Akhir Penelitian Dasar Keilmuan Judul “Analisis Bioekologi Kerang Mutiara Famili Pteriidae Di Perairan Kwandang Gorontalo Utara Sebagai Dasar Untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Kerang Mutiara Berbasis Rakyat” pdf 2677
3404 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Laporan Akhir Penelitian Indonesia Coastal Clean-Up (Gerakan Bersih Pantai Indonesia) Kota Gorontalo – Kelurahan Leato Selatan pdf 947
3405 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Laporan Akhir Penelitian Pemantauan Sampah Laut di Kota Gorontalo pdf 309
3406 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Laporan Penelitian Pemulihan Ekosistem Pesisir Dan Laut (Terumbu Karang) Di Perairan Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 1171
3407 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Menjadi Reviewer F1000Research Journal pdf 133
3408 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Menjadi Reviewer OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences (15 September 2020) pdf 360
3409 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Menjadi Reviewer OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences (7 Maret 2020) pdf 146
3410 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Molecular Approach to Identify Gobioid Fishes, “Nike” and “Hundala” (Local Name), from Gorontalo Waters, Indonesia pdf 246
3411 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Morphometric Characters of the Nike Fish Assemblages in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia pdf 230
3412 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Morphometric and genetic variations of species composers of nike fish assemblages in Gorontalo Bay Waters, Indonesia pdf 462
3413 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Content analysis of Escherichia coli in Sliced Yellowfin Tuna pdf 133
3414 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Determination of morphological alteration based on molecular analysis and melanophore pattern of the migrating Nike fish in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia pdf 144
3415 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Diversifikasi Olahan Cumi Kering “Cumkring O500” Di Desa Olimoo’o Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 159
3416 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Exploration of adult phase of Nike fish to maintain its sustainability in Gorontalo Bay waters,Indonesia pdf 150
3417 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer First Report of Molecular Identification Based on Melanophores Pattern to Determine Species Composition of Nike Fish Schooling in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia. pdf 116
3418 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer HKI Jenis-Jenis Nike Gorontalo pdf 140
3419 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Komposisi Dan Kepadatan Sampah Pantai Leato Utara, Kota Gorontalo pdf 335
3420 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Molecular Approach to Identify Gobioid Fishes, “Nike” and “Hundala” (Local Name), from Gorontalo Waters, Indonesia pdf 136
3421 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Morphometric Characters of the Nike Fish Assemblages in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia. pdf 127
3422 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Morphometric and genetic variations of species composers of nike fish assemblages in Gorontalo Bay Waters, Indonesia pdf 168
3423 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Phylogeny and molecular identification ofgreen macroalgae, Ulva prolifera (O.F. Müller, 1778) in Totok Bay, Maluku Sea, and Blongko waters, Sulawesi Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia pdf 122
3424 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Preliminary note on the morphological characters of penja (amphidromous goby postlarvae) in West Sulawesi and Gorontalo Bay pdf 138
3425 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Suitability Analysis on Swimming Recreation in Bintalahe Beach pdf 134