No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3376 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femmy Sahami : Phytoplankton abundance as a preliminary study on pearl oyster potential culture development in the North Gorontalo water, Indonesia |
pdf |
208 |
3377 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femmy Sahami : Potensi dan Nilai Pemanfaatan Langsung Hutan Mangrove di Kawasan Pesisir Desa Katialada Kecamatan Kwandang Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara |
pdf |
671 |
3378 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femmy Sahami : Preliminary findings on distribution pattern of larvae of nike fish (Awaous sp.) in the estuary of Bone River, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
539 |
3379 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femmy Sahami : Study of Phytoplankton Abudance for the Development of Pearl Oyster Culture Area in the North Gorontalo Waters |
pdf |
288 |
3380 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femmy Sahami : Threats to Food Safety and Sustainability of Nike (Awaous melanocephalus) in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
175 |
3381 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Laporan Akhir Tahun Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi “Pengembangan Potensi Sumberdaya Perikanan Nike (Awaous sp.) Berbasis Budaya Lokal Di Kota Gorontalo” Tahun 1 dari Rencana 2 Tahun |
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739 |
3382 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Bukti Korespondensi Coastal tourism development of Diyonumo Island, East Sumalata District, Gorontalo-Indonesia, based on natural resources and carrying capacity |
pdf |
257 |
3383 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Bukti Korespondensi Bioflux : Exploration of Adult Phase of Nike Fish to Maintain Its Sustainability in Gorontalo Bay Waters, Indonesia |
pdf |
211 |
3384 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Bukti Korespondensi Diversity of Species Making Up Nike Fish Schools and a New Record of Eleotris melanosoma in Tomini Paguyaman Bay, Gorontalo, Indonesia |
pdf |
235 |
3385 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Analisis Kandungan Bakteri Escherichia coli pada Ikan Tuna Madidihang (Thunnus Albacores) Potong di Pasar Sentral Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
201 |
3386 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Analisis Kesesuaian Wisata Berenang dikawasan Pantai Bintalahe Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo |
pdf |
188 |
3387 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Komposisi dan Keanekaragaman Lamun di Perairan Teluk Tomini Desa Lamu, Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai, Kabupaten Gorontalo |
pdf |
207 |
3388 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Nike (Awaous melanocephalus) Fishery and Mercury Contamination in the Estuary of BoneBolango River |
pdf |
173 |
3389 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Penilaian Kondisi Mangrove di Kecamatan Paguyaman Pantai Berdasarkan Tingkat Kerapatan Jenisnya |
pdf |
173 |
3390 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Peningkatan Ekonomi Hasil Tangkap Suntung Melalui Teknik Pengolahan Yang ramah Lingkungan di Desa Olimoo'o |
pdf |
219 |
3391 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Phytoplankton abundance as a preliminary study on pearl oyster potential culture development in the North Gorontalo water, Indonesia |
pdf |
178 |
3392 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Potensi dan Nilai Pemanfaatan Langsung Hutan Mangrove di Kawasan Pesisir Desa Katialada Kecamatan Kwandang Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara |
pdf |
159 |
3393 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Preliminary findings on distribution pattern of larvae of nike fish (Awaous sp.) in the estuary of Bone River, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
pdf |
134 |
3394 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Certificate Of Plagiarism Threats to Food Safety and Sustainability of Nike (Awaous melanocephalus) in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
159 |
3395 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Coastal tourism development of Diyonumo Island, East Sumalata District, Gorontalo-Indonesia, based on natural resources and carrying capacity |
pdf |
182 |
3396 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Content analysis of Escherichia coli in Sliced Yellowfin Tuna |
pdf |
218 |
3397 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Determination of morphological alteration based on molecular analysis and melanophore pattern of the migrating Nike fish in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia |
pdf |
206 |
3398 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Diversifikasi Olahan Cumi Kering “Cumkring O500” Di Desa Olimoo’o Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai Kabupaten Gorontalo |
pdf |
434 |
3399 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Exploration of adult phase of Nike fish to maintain its sustainability in Gorontalo Bay waters,Indonesia |
pdf |
291 |
3400 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : First Report of Molecular Identification Based on Melanophores Pattern to Determine Species Composition of Nike Fish Schooling in Gorontalo Bay, Indonesia |
pdf |
125 |