No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3526 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : The Supervision In The Process Of Investigation And Investigation Of Corruption (Police And Prosecution) |
pdf |
221 |
3527 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Breakthrough the Legal Principle of the Civic Court Procedure. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization |
pdf |
165 |
3528 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Constitutional Dialogue in Judicial Review at the Indonesian Constitutional Court: The Future Prospects. |
pdf |
153 |
3529 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Indonesian Constitutional Amandment In 4.0 Era: Main Challenges and Future Prospect |
pdf |
138 |
3530 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Indonesian Constitutional Interpretation: Constitutional Court Versus the People's Consultative Assembly |
pdf |
172 |
3531 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Orientation of the Aim of the Punishment seen from IusConstituendum of Criminal Law and Local Wisdom Value in Gorontalo Correctional Institution |
pdf |
151 |
3532 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Regulatory arrangement in the welfare sector using the omnibus law method |
pdf |
167 |
3533 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Simple Evidence Of Bankruptcy Cases In Court Based On Ius Constituendum Of Civil Procedural Law |
pdf |
215 |
3534 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Synchronize the Different Law Rules Study of Law Number 16 Year 2019 and Law Number 35 Year 2014 |
pdf |
180 |
3535 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin System for Evidence of Corruption Criminal Act in Indonesia |
pdf |
140 |
3536 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin The Law As The Instrument of Right Protection on The Body Integrity of Woman As The Victim of Not Fulfilled Promise to Marry |
pdf |
102 |
3537 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M Wantu : Turnitin The Law on Plant Protection, an Effort to Save Indonesia's Earth: A Review of International Publications |
pdf |
218 |
3538 |
Fence M Wantu |
Fence M. Wantu : Hasil Penelitian Kerjasama Mahkamah Konstitusi Dengan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Gorontalo “Studi Efektivitas Sistem Rekrutmen Dan Seleksi Hakim Konstitusi RI” |
pdf |
166 |
3539 |
Rosma Kadir |
Fenomena Bullying Pada Pelajar SLTP di Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
3540 |
Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim |
Fenomena Bullying Pada Pelajar SLTP di Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
3541 |
Hariana |
Fenomena Modifikasi Busana Pengantin Gorontalo (Tinjauan Aspek Sosiologi dan Teknologi) |
pdf |
458 |
3542 |
Hariana |
Fenomena Modifikasi Desain Busana Walimolo Sebagai Busana Perkawinan Akad Nikah Masyarakat Gorontalo (Kajian Estetika) |
pdf |
199 |
3543 |
Sastro Mustapa Wantu |
Fenomena Representative Bureaucracy Dalam Rekrutmen Pejabat Birokrasi Pemerintahan Sebagai Pilar Memperkuat Integrasi Nasional di Provinsi Gorontalo
pdf |
3068 |
3544 |
Umbang Arif Rokhayati |
Fermentasi Batang Pisang Sepatu (Musa Paradisiaca L) dengan Dosis Molases yang Berbeda Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ruminansia |
pdf |
510 |
3545 |
Widya Rahmawaty Saman |
Fermented Pulut Corn Milk Processing Training As Community Empowerment Efforts Bumi Bahari Village, Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
272 |
3546 |
Sri Suryaningsih Djunu |
Feses Sebagai Pengganti Cairan Rumen Untuk Menganalisis Bahan Ternak Dengan Metode InVitro Gas Tes |
pdf |
3547 |
Mohamad Awal Lakadjo |
Filosofi Bimbingan dan Konseling Kurikulum Merdeka |
pdf |
1008 |
3548 |
Kalih Trumansyahjaya |
Filsafat Air Pada Langga Sebagai Arsitektur Gorontalo |
pdf |
1803 |
3549 |
Abdul Rahmat |
Filsafat Pendidikan |
pdf |
3550 |
Sukarman Kamuli |
Filsafat Sistem ( Jurnal Inovasi IMPAG, seprember ) |
pdf |