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3526 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : The Supervision In The Process Of Investigation And Investigation Of Corruption (Police And Prosecution) pdf 221
3527 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Breakthrough the Legal Principle of the Civic Court Procedure. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization pdf 165
3528 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Constitutional Dialogue in Judicial Review at the Indonesian Constitutional Court: The Future Prospects. pdf 153
3529 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Indonesian Constitutional Amandment In 4.0 Era: Main Challenges and Future Prospect pdf 138
3530 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Indonesian Constitutional Interpretation: Constitutional Court Versus the People's Consultative Assembly pdf 172
3531 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Orientation of the Aim of the Punishment seen from IusConstituendum of Criminal Law and Local Wisdom Value in Gorontalo Correctional Institution pdf 151
3532 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Regulatory arrangement in the welfare sector using the omnibus law method pdf 167
3533 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Simple Evidence Of Bankruptcy Cases In Court Based On Ius Constituendum Of Civil Procedural Law pdf 215
3534 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Synchronize the Different Law Rules Study of Law Number 16 Year 2019 and Law Number 35 Year 2014 pdf 180
3535 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin System for Evidence of Corruption Criminal Act in Indonesia pdf 140
3536 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin The Law As The Instrument of Right Protection on The Body Integrity of Woman As The Victim of Not Fulfilled Promise to Marry pdf 102
3537 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin The Law on Plant Protection, an Effort to Save Indonesia's Earth: A Review of International Publications pdf 218
3538 Fence M Wantu Fence M. Wantu : Hasil Penelitian Kerjasama Mahkamah Konstitusi Dengan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Gorontalo “Studi Efektivitas Sistem Rekrutmen Dan Seleksi Hakim Konstitusi RI” pdf 166
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3540 Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim Fenomena Bullying Pada Pelajar SLTP di Kota Gorontalo pdf
3541 Hariana Fenomena Modifikasi Busana Pengantin Gorontalo (Tinjauan Aspek Sosiologi dan Teknologi) pdf 458
3542 Hariana Fenomena Modifikasi Desain Busana Walimolo Sebagai Busana Perkawinan Akad Nikah Masyarakat Gorontalo (Kajian Estetika) pdf 199
3543 Sastro Mustapa Wantu Fenomena Representative Bureaucracy Dalam Rekrutmen Pejabat Birokrasi Pemerintahan Sebagai Pilar Memperkuat Integrasi Nasional di Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 3068
3544 Umbang Arif Rokhayati Fermentasi Batang Pisang Sepatu (Musa Paradisiaca L) dengan Dosis Molases yang Berbeda Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ruminansia pdf 510
3545 Widya Rahmawaty Saman Fermented Pulut Corn Milk Processing Training As Community Empowerment Efforts Bumi Bahari Village, Gorontalo Province pdf 272
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3547 Mohamad Awal Lakadjo Filosofi Bimbingan dan Konseling Kurikulum Merdeka pdf 1008
3548 Kalih Trumansyahjaya Filsafat Air Pada Langga Sebagai Arsitektur Gorontalo pdf 1803
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3550 Sukarman Kamuli Filsafat Sistem ( Jurnal Inovasi IMPAG, seprember ) pdf