No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
12526 |
Ismail Djakaria |
pdf |
24 |
12527 |
Ismail Djakaria |
Penerapan Metode Double Moving Average Untuk Meramalkan Hasil Produksi Tanaman Padi di Provinsi Gorontalo |
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23 |
12528 |
Ismail Djakaria |
Perbandingan Model ARCH (1) dan GARCH (1,1) Ditinjau dari Perilaku Kurtosis dan Fungsi Autokorelasi |
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22 |
12529 |
Zulaeha Laisa |
Media dalam Penelitian Komunikasi Massa |
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12530 |
Astin Lukum |
Application of Chitosan From Peneaus Monodon as Coagulant of Pb (II) in Waste Water From Tolangohula Sugar Factory Kabupaten Gorontalo |
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602 |
12531 |
Ikhfan Haris |
Determinant Factors Decision Making Process in Higher Education Institution |
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12646 |
12532 |
Wrastawa Ridwan |
Dissipative Analysis of Continous-Time System With Two Additive Time-Varying Delays |
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717 |
12533 |
Basri Amin |
Ethnic Identity in Colonial and Postcolonial Politics: The Case of Minahasa, Eastern Indonesia |
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1933 |
12534 |
Wahab Musa |
Long Term Energy Demand Forecasting Based on Hybrid, Optimazation : Comparative Study |
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548 |
12535 |
Siswatiana Rahim Taha |
Moleculer Detection of Novel Paramyxovirus in Fruit Bats From Indonesia |
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574 |
12536 |
Rusmin Husain |
The Development of A Collaborative Learning Model For The Improvement of Teh Learner's Learning Outcoms: A Study in ed State Owned Community Learning Centres in Gorontalo District in Indonesia |
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560 |
12537 |
Ummyssalam Adam Taniyo Ambala Duludu |
The Development of A Training Model Based on Local Values For The Enhancement of Tutor Professionalism A Study of Packet C in The District of Bone Bolango, Indonesia |
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528 |
12538 |
Basri Amin |
Youth , Ojeg and Urban Space in Ternate |
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638 |
12539 |
Tedy Machmud |
Learning Algebra in Junior High School With Problem-Centered Learning (PCL) Approach |
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12540 |
Hariana |
Analisa Proses Produksi Sulaman Kerawang Khas Gorontalo (Penulis Utama) |
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12541 |
Arifin Tahir |
Faktor - Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Implemetasi Kebijakan Transparan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Kota Gorontalo |
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1319 |
12542 |
Syarwani Canon |
Matriks Index of Income Varietes of Indonesian Labor Force and Its Application in Indonesia |
pdf |
603 |
12543 |
Fence M Wantu |
Mewujudkan Kepastian Hukum, Keadilan dan Kemanfaatan Dalam Putusan Hakim di Peradilan Perdata |
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940 |
12544 |
Nur Mohamad Kasim |
Optimalisasi Pembaruan Hukum Islam Dalam Bingkai Netodologis Counter Legal Draf |
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12545 |
Syamsu Qamar Badu |
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Keterpaduan Kelompok, Motivasi Kerja dan Kemampuan Kognitif Terhadap Keefektifan Organisasi di Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten-Kota Se Propinsi Gorontalo |
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728 |
12546 |
Lukman A.R. Laliyo |
Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran dan Gaya Kognitif Spasial Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ikatan Kimia Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri di Gorontalo |
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614 |
12547 |
Sayama Malabar |
Penggunaan Bahasa Transmigran Jawa Di Kabupaten Gorontalo |
pdf |
560 |
12548 |
Faizal Kasim |
Penilaian Keretanan Pantai Menggunakan Metode Integrai CVI-MCA Studi Kasus Pantai Indramayu |
pdf |
896 |
12549 |
Elya Nusantari |
Perbedaan Pemahaman Awal Tentang Kosep Genetika Pada Siswa, Mahasiswa dan Guru Dosen |
pdf |
613 |
12550 |
Supriyadi |
Strategi Learning Communitty Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Wacana Deskriptif Siswa SD |
pdf |
558 |