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13776 Tirtawaty Abdul Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer Pembelajaran berbasis Virtual Laboratorium terhadap Keterampilan Proses Sains pdf 138
13777 Sitti Roskina Mas Sitti Roskina Mas : Peereviewer Pembinaan Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Siswa SMK Negeri 1 Limboto Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 138
13778 Miftahul Khair Kadim Miftahul Khair Kadim : Pembimbing Skripsi a.n Ferdi K. Mohamad pdf 138
13779 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : HKI Arsenic, Lead, And Mercury Concentrations Of Scalp Hairs In ASGM Miners And Inhabitants Of Gorontalo Utara Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 138
13780 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Indonesian Constitutional Amandment In 4.0 Era: Main Challenges and Future Prospect pdf 138
13781 Nur Mohamad Kasim Nur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer Contributions of Profession Zakat on Local Economic Development pdf 138
13782 Nur Mohamad Kasim Nur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer Declarative and Constitutive Principles in Copyright Protection pdf 138
13783 Nur Mohamad Kasim Nur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer Naskah Kebijakan, Impelementasi Kebijakan Zakat Profesi Terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Gorontalo pdf 138
13784 Muhammad Mukhtar Muhammad Mukhtar : Peereviewer Characteristics Growth and Adaptability of Dwarf-odot Elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott) Grown in Gorontalo at Established Year pdf 138
13785 Muhammad Amir Arham Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer Analysis of Funding, Education Performance, and Economic Growth in Indonesia pdf 138
13786 Muhammad Amir Arham Muhammad Amir Arham : Covid-19: Dampak dan Agenda Pemulihan Ekonomi pdf 138
13787 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Does Internal Marketing Contribute to Customer Satisfaction? pdf 138
13788 Ellyana Hinta Ellyana Hinta : Turnitin The Use of Language Variation in Narrating the Story of Lahilote by Students with Physical Disability at an Exceptional School in Gorontalo City pdf 138
13789 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Peereviewer Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Multikeaksaraan pdf 138
13790 Zuchri Abdussamad Zuchri Abdussamad : Peereviewer Implementation of Development Policy for Livestock Farming Business in Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 138
13791 Asna Ntelu Asna Ntelu : Peereviewer Penggunaan Diksi pada Berita Kriminal Koran Harian Gorontalo Post pdf 138
13792 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : Laporan Akhir KKS Pengabdian Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Tahun 2015 Manajemen Mutu Pengemasan Dan Pemasaran Ikan Asap Di Desa Pasalae Kecamatan Gentuma Raya Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 138
13793 Dolot Alhasni Bakung Dolot Alhasni Bakung : Peereviewer The Organization of Islamic Cooperation Affects to China Through The Islamic Law Approach Addressing The Uighur Conflict: Is It Possible? pdf 138
13794 Hasim Hasim : Peereviewer Effect of Natural Feed Provision on the Growth of Koi Fish Seed pdf 138
13795 Magdalena Baga Magdalena Baga : Peereviewer Contested Representation of Dutch Americans in Washington Irving's A History of New York pdf 138
13796 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : Turnitin Multicultural Education In Strengthening National Beware Of Radicalism Threats In Indonesia pdf 138
13797 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Peereviewer Kajian Fenomegrafi Aspek-Aspek Pengetahuan Metakognitif Siswa dalam Penyelesaian Soal-Soal Laju Reaksi pdf 138
13799 Selvi Turnitin Jurnal "Implementation of Public Service Agency for Good University Governance" pdf 138
13800 Hariana Peer Review Laporan Penelitian: Desain Fashion Bahan Kaos dengan Teknik Reka Latar untuk Menambah Nilai Estetika Desain Busana pdf 138