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14551 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Peereviewer Pembelajaran Menyenangkan yang Mencerdaskan pdf 60
14552 Heldy Vanni Alam Heldy Vanni Alam : Peereviewer Organizational Citizenship Behavior bagi Dosen di Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Menuju Era Distruption. Buku Manajemen Perubahan Era Disruption pdf 60
14553 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Peereviewer Evaluation of Mercury Concentration in Water and Sediment at Artisanal Buladu Gold Mine in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 60
14554 Rasuna Rasid Talib Rasuna Rasid Talib : Enhancing the Students Writing Ability by Using Comic Strips pdf 60
14555 Maryam Rahim Maryam Rahim : Turnitin Elemantary School Teacher Creativity in Implementing Online Learning in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic pdf 60
14556 Vivien Novarina A. Kasim Vivien Novarina A. Kasim : Turnitin The Role of IL-6, TNF-?, and VDR in Inhibiting the Growth of Study pdf 60
14557 Hariana HAKI: Kreasi Pita Karawo pdf 60
14558 Hariana Peer Review Buku: Kumpulan Penelitian Terkait Kebudayaan Gorontalo dan Perkawinan pdf 60
14559 Hariana Peer Review Artikel: Pembentukan Hiasan Kepala Busana Pengantin sebagai Proses Pembelajaran dalam Menciptakan Modifikasi pdf 60
14560 Usman Moonti Peereviewer The Effect of Price, Land Area and Production Costs on Rice Farmer’s Income: Case in Bone Bolango Regency. pdf 60
14561 Lis M. Yapanto TURNITIN Effect of Leaf Extract (Jatropha curcas L.) Towards the Microbiolagic Quality of Layang Fish TPC (Decapterus sp.) At Room Temperature Storage pdf 60
14562 Idris Yanto Niode HAKI Model Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa Dalam Peningkatan Kegiatan Ekonomi Produktif di Desa pdf 60
14563 Ivan Rahmad Santoso TURNITIN The Contribution of Market Retribution to Regional Original Revenue (PAD) at Kaliyoso Market, Kaliyoso Village, Dungaliyo Sub-district, Gorontalo Regency pdf 60
14564 Lintje Boekoesoe Co-Promotor Seminar Kelayakan pdf 60
14565 Nurdin 11-Nurdin-Bukti-Korespondensi-Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Selada (Lactuca sativa L.) dengan Interval Pemberian Air dan Pupuk Majemuk di Tilote pdf 60
14566 Nurdin 22-Nurdin-Bukti-Korespondensi-Artikel Seminar Internasional-Analysis of Quality and Land Characteristics That Control Local Maize Production in Gorontalo pdf 60
14567 Asda Rauf Analisis Pendapatan Petani Cengkeh Berdasarkan Skema Usahatani pdf 60
14568 Nurdin Nurdin : Korespondensi Effect Application of Sea Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir on the Growth and Yield of Rice Planted at Ustic Endoaquert Soil pdf 60
14569 Dewi Wahyuni K. Baderan Dewi Wahyuni K. Baderan : Turnitin Morphological characteristics and biodiversity of mudskipper fish (Periophthalmus: Gobiidae) in mangrove ecosystem of coastal Bay of Tomini, Boalemo, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 60
14570 Andi Yusniar Mendo Turnitin: Analysis of Knowledge Management, Work innovation on achievement and Progress of Gorontalo Province’s Government Organizations pdf 60
14573 Nursiya Bito KORESPONDENSI - Incorporation of ICT_Based Multimedia in Mathematics Learning During Covid-19 Its Effects on Studentss' Learning Activity, Interest, Motivation and Metacognitive Knowledge pdf 60
14574 Marike Mahmud Turnitin_Analisis Tingkat Kebisingan Akibat Lalu Lintas pada Kawasan Perkantoran dan Pendidikan di Kecamatan Kota Utara Kota Gorontalo pdf 60
14575 Wrastawa Ridwan turnitin - Pengujian karakteristik Functional Suitability dan Performance Efficiency tesadaptif.net pdf 60