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14551 Lis M. Yapanto TURNITIN : Assessing the Impact of Tourism on Fishermen's Income pdf 124
14552 Weny J.A. Musa Weny J.A Musa : Bukti Korespondensi Antioxidant, cholesterol lowering activity, and analysis of Caesalpinia bonducella seeds extract pdf 124
14553 Yanti Aneta Yanti Aneta : The Effect of Internal Control on the Financial Performance of the North Gorontalo Regency Government pdf 124
14554 Funco Tanipu Tahu Diri dan Tjokroaminoto pdf 124
14555 Arfan Utiarahman Analisis Risiko Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Pada Proyek Pembangunan Hotel Horison Di Kota Gorontalo. Book Chapter Civil Literacy Pengendalian Resiko, Biaya, Harga Pada Proyek Konstruksi pdf 124
14556 Nibras Karnain Laya Turnitin Analysis of the Size and Body Weight Characteristic of Ongole Cattle That Are Kept With Intensive and Semi-Intensive System pdf 124
14557 Irwan Wunarlan Turnitin Irwan Wunarlan The Morphology of Urban Agriculture of Marisa District, Indonesia pdf 124
14558 Salim Korompot Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk Mempromosikan Potensi Daya Saing Desa Topi pdf 124
14559 Wenny Hulukati Pelatihan Self Management untuk Mencegah Perilaku Bunuh Diri pada Kalangan Remaja di Desa Mananggu Kecamatan Mananggu Kabupaten Boalemo pdf 124
14560 Tedy Machmud Modul PKN PLPG 2013 rar 123
14561 Henryd Maramis Surat Dinas Dirjen Perbendaharaan Kemenkeu No S-308/PB/2020 tentang Penegasan Biaya Belanja Covid-19 pdf 123
14562 Abdul Wahid Rauf Laporan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Pengadaan Jasa Kebersihan UNG Tahun 2024 pdf 123
14563 Abdul Wahid Rauf Hasil Seleksi Administrasi Seleksi Terbuka JPT Pratama Kepala Biro AKP UNG Tahun 2024 pdf 123
14564 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Peereviewer Cultural Tourism as a Support of Local Content Learning in Gorontalo Regency pdf 123
14565 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Peereviewer Koran Sang Guru (Menebar Inspirasi dan kasih Sayang) pdf 123
14566 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Peereviewer Koran Mengetuk Hati Menggugah Nurani pdf 123
14567 Hasim Hasim : Peereviewer Tingkat Kerentanan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir Danau Limboto Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 123
14568 Hasim Hasim : Peereviewer Pengaruh Salinitas Berbeda terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Tingkat Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Nila Merah (Oreochromis Niloticus) di Balai Benih Ikan Kota Gorontalo pdf 123
14569 Tirtawaty Abdul Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer The Development Of Inquiry By Learning Cycle (Ryleac) Model On Electricity And Magnetic Concept To Increase Science Process Skill And The Academic Achievement Of Students pdf 123
14570 Sri Nuryatin Hamzah Sri Nuryatin Hamzah : Peereviewer Species diversity and similarity index of Gastropod Epifauna in the seagrass and mangrove ecosystems in Olimoo Village pdf 123
14571 Abubakar Sidik Katili Abubakar Sidik Katili : Peereviewer Short Communication: Crab Species Distribution Under Mangrove Stands In Tabongo, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 123
14572 Nur Mohamad Kasim Nur Mohammad Kasim : Turnitin The Issue of Waqaf in the Society of Gorontalo pdf 123
14573 Nur Mohamad Kasim Nur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer The Organization of Islamic Cooperation Affects to China Through The Islamic Law Approach Addressing The Uighur Conflict: Is It Possible? pdf 123
14574 Muhammad Amir Arham Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer UNG Kampus Kerakyatan pdf 123