No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
14551 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
TURNITIN : Assessing the Impact of Tourism on Fishermen's Income |
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124 |
14552 |
Weny J.A. Musa |
Weny J.A Musa : Bukti Korespondensi Antioxidant, cholesterol lowering activity, and analysis of Caesalpinia bonducella seeds extract |
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124 |
14553 |
Yanti Aneta |
Yanti Aneta : The Effect of Internal Control on the Financial Performance of the North Gorontalo Regency Government |
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124 |
14554 |
Funco Tanipu |
Tahu Diri dan Tjokroaminoto |
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124 |
14555 |
Arfan Utiarahman |
Analisis Risiko Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Pada Proyek Pembangunan Hotel Horison Di Kota Gorontalo. Book Chapter Civil Literacy Pengendalian Resiko, Biaya, Harga Pada Proyek Konstruksi |
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124 |
14556 |
Nibras Karnain Laya |
Turnitin Analysis of the Size and Body Weight Characteristic of Ongole Cattle That Are Kept With Intensive and Semi-Intensive System |
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124 |
14557 |
Irwan Wunarlan |
Turnitin Irwan Wunarlan The Morphology of Urban Agriculture of Marisa District, Indonesia |
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124 |
14558 |
Salim Korompot |
Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk Mempromosikan Potensi Daya Saing Desa Topi |
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124 |
14559 |
Wenny Hulukati |
Pelatihan Self Management untuk Mencegah Perilaku Bunuh Diri pada Kalangan Remaja di Desa Mananggu Kecamatan Mananggu Kabupaten Boalemo |
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124 |
14560 |
Tedy Machmud |
Modul PKN PLPG 2013 |
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123 |
14561 |
Henryd Maramis |
Surat Dinas Dirjen Perbendaharaan Kemenkeu No S-308/PB/2020 tentang Penegasan Biaya Belanja Covid-19 |
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123 |
14562 |
Abdul Wahid Rauf |
Laporan Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Pengadaan Jasa Kebersihan UNG Tahun 2024 |
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123 |
14563 |
Abdul Wahid Rauf |
Hasil Seleksi Administrasi Seleksi Terbuka JPT Pratama Kepala Biro AKP UNG Tahun 2024 |
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123 |
14564 |
Fory Armin Naway |
Fory Armin Nawai : Peereviewer Cultural Tourism as a Support of Local Content Learning in Gorontalo Regency |
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123 |
14565 |
Fory Armin Naway |
Fory Armin Nawai : Peereviewer Koran Sang Guru (Menebar Inspirasi dan kasih Sayang) |
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123 |
14566 |
Fory Armin Naway |
Fory Armin Nawai : Peereviewer Koran Mengetuk Hati Menggugah Nurani |
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123 |
14567 |
Hasim |
Hasim : Peereviewer Tingkat Kerentanan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir Danau Limboto Provinsi Gorontalo |
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123 |
14568 |
Hasim |
Hasim : Peereviewer Pengaruh Salinitas Berbeda terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Tingkat Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Nila Merah (Oreochromis Niloticus) di Balai Benih Ikan Kota Gorontalo |
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123 |
14569 |
Tirtawaty Abdul |
Tirtawaty Abdjul : Peereviewer The Development Of Inquiry By Learning Cycle (Ryleac) Model On Electricity And Magnetic Concept To Increase Science Process Skill And The Academic Achievement Of Students |
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123 |
14570 |
Sri Nuryatin Hamzah |
Sri Nuryatin Hamzah : Peereviewer Species diversity and similarity index of Gastropod Epifauna in the seagrass and mangrove ecosystems in Olimoo Village |
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123 |
14571 |
Abubakar Sidik Katili |
Abubakar Sidik Katili : Peereviewer Short Communication: Crab Species Distribution Under Mangrove Stands In Tabongo, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
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123 |
14572 |
Nur Mohamad Kasim |
Nur Mohammad Kasim : Turnitin The Issue of Waqaf in the Society of Gorontalo |
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123 |
14573 |
Nur Mohamad Kasim |
Nur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer The Organization of Islamic Cooperation Affects to China Through The Islamic Law Approach Addressing The Uighur Conflict: Is It Possible? |
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123 |
14574 |
Muhammad Amir Arham |
Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer UNG Kampus Kerakyatan |
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123 |
14575 |
Rusdin Djibu |
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123 |