Sitti Roskina Mas
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Public Senior High School (SMAN 1) Gorontalo is one of the school that is being implemented environmental culture school. It is important to investigate program evaluation of environmental culture school.Through in this evaluation, it can be shown how far the school successfull in implementing environmental culture school and give a
description, information, and date that can be used for giving recomedation and to give decision if that program can be continued or not, and can be developed with a better program. The research objectives are to evaluate (1) the components of context of
environmental culture school program, (2) component of input of of environmental culture school program, (3) components of process of environmental culture school program (4) components of product of environmental culture school program at SMAN 1 Gorontalo City. Data were collected by using questionnaires, interview, and observation. The research used a quantitative approach and descriptive method with CIIP evaluation (Context, Input, Process, Product). The research findings indicated that components of contexts, input, process, and product of environmental culture school program were good qualification. It is indicated that the school environment is condussive, and school staff behavior to care and love about school environment. Therefore, it is needed to be developed better.
Keywords: evaluation CIIP, adiwiyata
Universitas Negeri Makassar
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