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2726 Nursiya Bito Efektivitas Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Multimedia pada Materi Kerucut pdf 225
2727 Nurdin Efektivitas Penanaman Menurut Konten Terhadap Besarnya Erosi Tanah,Aliran Permukaan Dan Hasil Jagung Di DAS Limboto pdf
2728 Salam Efektivitas Penerapan Teknik Klose dan Model Membaca Interaktif Terhadap Pemahaman Wacana Ilmiah Pada Mahasiswa pdf 2004
2729 Salam Efektivitas Penerapan Teknik Klose dan Model Membaca Interaktif terhadap Pemahaman Wacana Ilmiah pdf 990
2730 Fenti Prihatini Dance TuI Efektivitas Pengelolaan Alokasi Dasa Desa di Desa Bongopini Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango pdf 413
2731 Wiwin Rewini Kunusa Efektivitas Penggunaan Selulosa Ampas Sagu Terimobilisasi Sulfonat sebagai Adsorben Sianida dan Merkuri pada Limbah Pertambangan Emas pdf 186
2732 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Efektivitas Penghambatan Filtrat Asam Laktat Lactobacillus Sp. Hasil Isolasi Dari Usus Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) Terhadap Bakteri Patogen pdf 3098
2733 Mohamad Ikbal Bahua Efektivitas Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi Sawah (Oriza sativa L) Melalui Penggunaan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 4642
2734 Wawan Pembengo Efesiensi Penggunaan Cahaya Matahari oleh Tebu Pada Berbagai Tingkat Pemupukan Nitrogen dan Fosfor pdf 531
2735 Nurdin Effect Application of Sea Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir on the Growth and Yield of Rice Planted at Ustic Endoaquert Soil pdf 195
2736 Nurdin Effect Application of Sea Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir on the Growth and Yield of Rice Planted at Ustic Endoaquert Soil pdf 292
2737 Nurdin Effect Application of Sea Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir on the Growth and Yield of Rice Planted at Ustic Endoaquert Soil pdf 157
2738 Yuniarti Koniyo Effect Of Different Types Of Containers To Growth Rate And Survival Rate Of Manggabai (Glossogobius Giuris) pdf 181
2739 Lintje Boekoesoe Effect Of Using Coconut Oil (VCO) Against Skin Moisture on Leprosy in Gorontalo City pdf 263
2740 Yuniarti Koniyo Effect of Different Density to Growth and Survival of Gurame Seedling (Osphoronemus gouramy) pdf 725
2741 Ayuddin Effect of External Confinement on Concrete Columns cFRP Orientation pdf 422
2742 Umbang Arif Rokhayati Effect of Fermentation Trunk Banana Shoes (Moses Paradisiaca Forma Typica) Body Weight Against Added Bali Cattle (Bos Sondaicus) pdf 144
2743 Lis M. Yapanto Effect of Leaf Extract (Jatropha curcas L.)Towards the Microbiolagic Quality of Layang Fish TPC (Decapterus sp.)At Room Temperature Storage pdf 66
2744 Herlina Rasjid Effect of Liability Asset Management and Company Growth on Company Value in Banking Industry Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange pdf 153
2745 Nurdin Effect of Slopes and Compound NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Maize Local Varieties, RAE and EFE in Bumela, Indonesia pdf 194
2746 Nurdin Effect of Slopes and Compound NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Maize Local Varieties, Relative Agronomic and Economic Fertilizer Effectiveness to Inceptisol Bumela, Indonesia pdf
2747 Sri Indriyani Dai Effect of Village Funds on Poverty Levels in Momunu District of Buol Regency pdf 94
2748 Elya Nusantari Effectiveness of Environmentally-Based Science Learning towards Environmentally-Friendly Character of Students in Coastal Area pdf
2749 Abdul Hamid Isa Effectiveness of Mathematical Learning Module in Community Education Unit pdf 11
2750 Nursiya Bito Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning with Classroom Integrated Character Education at Tridharma Vocational School, Gorontalo Indonesia pdf 90