No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
2826 |
Salam |
Efektivitas Penerapan Teknik Klose dan Model Membaca Interaktif Terhadap Pemahaman Wacana Ilmiah Pada Mahasiswa |
pdf |
2059 |
2827 |
Salam |
Efektivitas Penerapan Teknik Klose dan Model Membaca Interaktif terhadap Pemahaman Wacana Ilmiah |
pdf |
1055 |
2828 |
Fenti Prihatini Dance TuI |
Efektivitas Pengelolaan Alokasi Dasa Desa di Desa Bongopini Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango |
pdf |
489 |
2829 |
Wiwin Rewini Kunusa |
Efektivitas Penggunaan Selulosa Ampas Sagu Terimobilisasi Sulfonat sebagai Adsorben Sianida dan Merkuri pada Limbah Pertambangan Emas |
pdf |
273 |
2830 |
Rieny Sulistijowati S. |
Efektivitas Penghambatan Filtrat Asam Laktat Lactobacillus Sp. Hasil Isolasi Dari Usus Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) Terhadap Bakteri Patogen |
pdf |
3173 |
2831 |
Mohamad Ikbal Bahua |
Efektivitas Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi Sawah (Oriza sativa L) Melalui Penggunaan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara |
pdf |
4876 |
2832 |
Wawan Pembengo |
Efesiensi Penggunaan Cahaya Matahari oleh Tebu Pada Berbagai Tingkat Pemupukan Nitrogen dan Fosfor |
pdf |
583 |
2833 |
Nurdin |
Effect Application of Sea Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir on the Growth and Yield of Rice Planted at Ustic Endoaquert Soil |
pdf |
243 |
2834 |
Nurdin |
Effect Application of Sea Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir on the Growth and Yield of Rice Planted at Ustic Endoaquert Soil |
pdf |
355 |
2835 |
Nurdin |
Effect Application of Sea Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir on the Growth and Yield of Rice Planted at Ustic Endoaquert Soil |
pdf |
199 |
2836 |
Yuniarti Koniyo |
Effect Of Different Types Of Containers To Growth Rate And Survival Rate Of Manggabai (Glossogobius Giuris) |
pdf |
228 |
2837 |
Lintje Boekoesoe |
Effect Of Using Coconut Oil (VCO) Against Skin Moisture on Leprosy in Gorontalo City |
pdf |
327 |
2838 |
Yuniarti Koniyo |
Effect of Different Density to Growth and Survival of Gurame Seedling (Osphoronemus gouramy) |
pdf |
766 |
2839 |
Ayuddin |
Effect of External Confinement on Concrete Columns cFRP Orientation |
pdf |
516 |
2840 |
Umbang Arif Rokhayati |
Effect of Fermentation Trunk Banana Shoes (Moses Paradisiaca Forma Typica) Body Weight Against Added Bali Cattle (Bos Sondaicus) |
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203 |
2841 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
Effect of Leaf Extract (Jatropha curcas L.)Towards the Microbiolagic Quality of Layang Fish TPC (Decapterus sp.)At Room Temperature Storage |
pdf |
98 |
2842 |
Herlina Rasjid |
Effect of Liability Asset Management and Company Growth on Company Value in Banking Industry Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange |
pdf |
214 |
2843 |
Nurdin |
Effect of Slopes and Compound NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Maize Local Varieties, RAE and EFE in Bumela, Indonesia |
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252 |
2844 |
Nurdin |
Effect of Slopes and Compound NPK Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Maize Local Varieties, Relative Agronomic and Economic Fertilizer Effectiveness to Inceptisol Bumela, Indonesia |
pdf |
2845 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Effect of Village Funds on Poverty Levels in Momunu District of Buol Regency |
pdf |
124 |
2846 |
Elya Nusantari |
Effectiveness of Environmentally-Based Science Learning towards Environmentally-Friendly Character of Students in Coastal Area |
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2847 |
Abdul Hamid Isa |
Effectiveness of Mathematical Learning Module in Community Education Unit |
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103 |
2848 |
Nursiya Bito |
Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning with Classroom Integrated Character Education at Tridharma Vocational School, Gorontalo Indonesia |
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146 |
2849 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Effectiveness of Utilizing Village Fund Allocation: Case in Gorontalo Regency Universitas Negeri Gorontal |
pdf |
136 |
2850 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Effects of Capital Expenditures, Development Index and Unemployment on Poverty in Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
417 |