No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3926 |
Sastro Mustapa Wantu |
Government Policies and Ethnical Diversity Under Multiculturalism: The Study of Pohuwato Regency |
pdf |
376 |
3927 |
Ismet Sulila |
Government’s Performance on the Public Service Regarding Building Permits in City Planning Department of Gorontalo City |
pdf |
257 |
3928 |
Muziatun |
Grammatical Errors Performed by Tourist Guides in Gorontalo City |
pdf |
292 |
3929 |
Muziatun |
Grammatical Errors Performed by Tourist Guides in Gorontalo City |
pdf |
3930 |
Muziatun |
Grammatical Errors Performed by Tourist Guides in Gorontalo City |
pdf |
475 |
3931 |
Ruslin W. Badu |
Grand Desain Kurikulum Berbasis Kelautan Bagi Guru PAUD Di Provinsi Gorontalo |
pdf |
883 |
3932 |
Sitti Rachmi Masie |
Great Life |
pdf |
1324 |
3933 |
Raflin Hinelo |
Green Marketing SMEs Dalam Menunjang Perekonomian Masyarakat Masyarakat Desa Bongo & Desa Doulan Kecamatan Bokat Kabupaten Buol – Sulawesi Tengah |
pdf |
282 |
3934 |
Herson Kadir |
Green Moral: Strategi Menjaga Alam Bagi Masyarakat |
pdf |
968 |
3935 |
Funco Tanipu |
Green Opening Space for Social Interaction in Residential Solid Environment (Study in Pulubala Housing, Kota Tengah District Gorontalo City) |
pdf |
169 |
3936 |
Ivan Rahmad Santoso |
Green Sukuk and Sustainable Economic Development Goals: Mitigation of Climate Change in Indonesia |
pdf |
3937 |
Ivan Rahmad Santoso |
Green Sukuk and Sustainable Economic Development Goals: Mitigating Climate Change in Indonesia |
pdf |
657 |
3938 |
Syahrizal Koem |
Growing Green: Manfaat Ekonomi Dari Program Aksi Adaptasi dan Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim |
pdf |
235 |
3939 |
Fauzan Zakaria |
Growth and Yield of Rice Plant by the Applications of River Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir in Ustic Endoaquert |
pdf |
658 |
3940 |
Nurdin |
Growth and Yield of Rice Plant by the Applications of River Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir in Ustic Endoaquert |
pdf |
239 |
3941 |
Nurdin |
Growth and Yield of Rice Plant by the Applications of River Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir in Ustic Endoaquert |
pdf |
281 |
3942 |
Nurdin |
Growth and Yield of Rice Plant by the Applications of River Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir in Ustic Endoaquert |
pdf |
177 |
3943 |
Nurdin |
Growth and Yield of Rice Plant by the Applications of River Sand, Coconut and Banana Coir in Ustic Endoaquert |
pdf |
168 |
3944 |
Jusna Ahmad |
Gulma Siam (Chromolaena odorata) sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair untuk Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bawang Merah Allium cepa L.) |
pdf |
239 |
3945 |
Yulianto Kadji |
Guru dalam Pusaran Politik di daerah (Studi Kasus di Kota Gorontalo) |
pdf |
3946 |
Suyono Dude |
Guru dan Pendidikan Berbasis Kompetensi |
pdf |
699 |
3947 |
Wrastawa Ridwan |
H? Controller Synthesis for Networked Control Systems with Time Delay System Approach |
pdf |
919 |
3948 |
Wrastawa Ridwan |
HAKI "Aplikasi Online Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Dosen Pembimbing (Studi Kasus Di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Gorontalo)" |
pdf |
111 |
3949 |
Wrastawa Ridwan |
HAKI "Aplikasi Penerjemah Teks Indonesia-Gorontalo Versi Android" |
pdf |
140 |
3950 |
Wrastawa Ridwan |
HAKI "Aplikasi Program Komputer Online Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) dengan Estimasi Kemampuan Peserta Ujian Menggunakan Sistem Fuzzy Pada Mata Kuliah Aljabar Linier" |
pdf |
128 |