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5926 Muhammad Mukhtar Level Pemberian Dedak Jagung Fermentasi Dalam Ransum Terhadap Pertambahan Bobot Badan Dan Efesiensi Ransum Burung Puyuh (coturnix-coturnix japonica) Fase Pertumbuhan pdf 299
5927 Muhammad Mukhtar Level Pemberian Dedak Jagung Fermentasi Dalam Ransum Terhadap Pertambahan Bobot Badan Dan Efesiensi Ransum Burung Puyuh (coturnix-coturnix japonica) Fase Pertumbuhan pdf 45432
5929 Lia Amalia Lia Amalia_Turnitin_Anemia Prevalence and Nutrition Status of Malaria Falciparum Children Patients Staying in Malaria Endemical Area pdf 98
5930 Edi Johan Syah Djula Libur Akhir Semester pdf 1358
5931 Lilan Dama Lilan Dama : Bukti Korespondensi Blended learning strategies through guided inquiry learning settings to increase learning acquisition of concepts and procedures in biology subjects pdf 73
5932 Lilan Dama Lilan Dama : Turnitin The Validity Of The Development Of High School Biology Teaching Materials Based On Project-Based Learning On Human Digestive System Materials pdf 62
5933 Lilan Dama Lilan Dama : Turntin Blended learning strategies through guided inquiry learning settings to increase learning acquisition of concepts and procedures in biology subjects pdf 81
5934 Zuchri Abdussamad Lingkungan Eksternal dan pengaruhnya terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan di LPP TVRI Stasiun Kota Gorontalo pdf 597
5935 Ramli Utina Lingkungan Hidup dan Pariwisata pdf 4557
5936 Femy Mahmud Sahami Lingkungan Perairan dan Produktivitasnya pdf 13660
5937 Aang Panji Permana Lingkungan Purba Batubara Sorong (Provinsi Papua Barat) Berdasarkan Analisis Petrografi pdf 209
5938 Widy Susanti Abdulkadir Liposomal Formulation of Snakehead Fish (Ophiocephalus striatus) Powder and Toxicity Study in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Model pdf 107
5939 Robert Tungadi Liposomal Formulation of Snakehead Fish (Ophiocephalus striatus) Powder and Toxicity Study in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Model pdf
5940 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism An eco-friendly fishing model in North Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 163
5941 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Assessing public awareness level on the preservation of coral reefs (The case study in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia) pdf 165
5942 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Distribution of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Gorontalo Province Indonesia pdf 141
5943 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Marketing Efficiency of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Boalemo Regency Gorontalo pdf 131
5944 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Certificate of Plagiarism Participation of the Community in Management of Tourist in the Village of Torosiaje Sub District Popayato District of Pohuwato Gorontalo Province pdf 181
5945 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : HKI Stock Assesment Perikanan Tangkap di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 138
5946 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Jurnal Internasional Assessing public awareness level on the preservation of coral reefs (The case study in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia) pdf 518
5947 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Jurnal Internasional Distribution of Seafood Production in Bajo Sector of Gorontalo Province Indonesia pdf 376
5948 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Jurnal Internasional Participation of the Community in Management of Tourist in the Village of Torosiaje Sub District Popayato District of Pohuwato Gorontalo Province pdf 206
5949 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer An eco-friendly fishing model in North Gorontalo District of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 152
5950 Lis M. Yapanto Lis M. Yapanto : Pee Reviewer Assessing public awareness level on the preservation of coral reefs (The case study in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia) pdf 212