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1151 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Analysis of the Effect of Family Hope Program (PKH) Social Assistance on Poverty Alleviation in Bone Bolango Regency in 2011-2021 pdf 99
1152 Sri Indriyani Dai Analysis of the Effect of the Number of MSMEs and MSME Workers on District/Municipality Poverty in Gorontalo Province pdf 117
1153 Masrid Pikoli Analysis of the Implementation of E Learning Strategies in Teaching at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG) During the Covid-19 Pandemic pdf 201
1154 La Nane Analysis of the relationship between length and weight, gonad maturity level, gonad maturity index and fecundity of the yellowstripe scad (Selaroides leptolepis Cuvier, 1833) pdf 662
1155 Icha Untari Meidji Analyzing Seismicity Pattern of the Gorontalo Region and Its Surroundings in the Form of Hypocenter Relocation Using Double Difference Method pdf 116
1156 Lintje Boekoesoe Ancaman Deman Berdarah Dengue pdf 1635
1157 Lia Amalia Anemia Prevalence and Nutrition Status of Malaria Falciparum Children Patients Staying in Malaria Endemical Area. pdf 217
1158 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Buku Potensi Jagung dan Limbah Jagung Komoditas Ekonomi Produktif "Belajar dari Pemberdayaan Kelembagaan Petani di Kabupaten Boalemo" pdf 340
1159 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Certificated Plagiarism by Turnitin Diversification of products derived from maize for the sustainable welfare of the people in Gorontalo province, Indonesia pdf 213
1160 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Certificated Plagiarism by Turnitin Farmer Empowerment Through Processing Of Maize And Its Waste Into Productive Economic Commodity In Boalemo Regency Of Gorontalo pdf 186
1161 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Certificated Plagiarism by Turnitin The Effect of Penetrant Enhancer Combination towards the Diffusion Rate of Snakehead Fish (Ophiocephalus striatus) Cream in Vitro and Vivo pdf 212
1162 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Diversification of products derived from maize for the sustainable welfare of the people in Gorontalo province, Indonesia pdf 437
1163 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : HaKI Booklet Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Pengolahan Emping Jagung pdf 421
1164 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : HaKI Buku Potensi Pengembangan Produk Olahan Jagung Bagi Kesejahteraan Masyarakat pdf 205
1165 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : HaKI Buku ajar: Strategi Belajar Mengajar Biologi pdf 3074
1166 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Jurnal Internasional Farmer Empowerment Through Processing Of Maize And Its Waste Into Productive Economic Commodity In Boalemo Regency Of Gorontalo pdf 637
1167 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Jurnal Internasional The Effect of Penetrant Enhancer Combination towards the Diffusion Rate of Snakehead Fish (Ophiocephalus striatus) Cream in Vitro and Vivo pdf 598
1168 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Paten Merek - Produk Emping Jagung "Binthe'U + Logo" pdf 263
1169 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Peereviewer Diversification of products derived from maize for the sustainable welfare of the people in Gorontalo province, Indonesia pdf 168
1170 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Peereviewer Farmer Empowering Via Maize and Waste Maize Processing Become Productivity Economy at Boalemo Regency in Gorontalo Province pdf 163
1171 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Peereviewer Farmer Empowerment Through Processing Of Maize And Its Waste Into Productive Economic Commodity In Boalemo Regency Of Gorontalo pdf 168
1172 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Peereviewer Merek - Produk Emping Jagung pdf 165
1173 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Peereviewer Model Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Pemberdayaan Perempuan Berbasis Vokasional di Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 198
1174 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Peereviewer Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Pengolahan Emping Jagung pdf 173
1175 Ani M. Hasan Ani M. Hasan : Peereviewer Potensi Jagung dan Limbah Jagung Komoditas Ekonomi Produktif "Belajar dari Pemberdayaan Kelembagaan Petani di Kabupaten Boalemo" pdf 173