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1226 Nurmi Aplikasi Tindakan Konservasi Tanah untuk Mencegah Degradasi Tanah pada Lahan Miring pdf 4549
1227 Ani M. Hasan Aplikasi metode pada dasar-dasar pendidikan MIPA melalui Group Investigation pdf
1228 Aryati Abdul Aplikasi metode pada dasar-dasar pendidikan MIPA melalui Group Investigation pdf
1229 Rifadli Bahsuan Aplikasi strut-and-tie Model (STM) Pada Perancangan Struktur Beton Balok Berlubang pdf 473
1230 Udin Hamim Apparatus Resources Development Model in Capacity Building Perspective (Study at Bone Bolango Regency Government of Gorontalo Province) pdf
1231 Mohamad Karmin Baruadi Appellation in Gorontalese: An Antropolinguistics Approach towards Language and Culture in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 1121
1232 Abdul Rahmat Application Integrative-Interconnectivity Paradigm in the Process of Learning in Department of Social Welfare, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga pdf 558
1233 Abdul Rahmat Application integrative-interconectivity paradigm in the process of learning in department of social welafare state islamic university pdf 1076
1234 Astin Lukum Application of Chitosan From Peneaus Monodon as Coagulant of Pb (II) in Waste Water From Tolangohula Sugar Factory Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 546
1235 Lusiana Margareth Tijow Application of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in State-Owned Enterprises pdf 162
1236 Intan Noviantari Manyoe Application of Lineament Density Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model for Geological Structures Control Analysis in Suwawa Geothermal Area pdf
1237 Intan Noviantari Manyoe Application of Lineament Density Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model for Geological Structures Control Analysis in Suwawa Geothermal Area pdf 151
1238 Irwan Yantu Application of Locus of Control as a Lever in the Learning Achievements of Students with Boost is Mediated by the Competence of the Lecturers on Courses for Career Development pdf 217
1239 Zainudin Bonok Application of ant System and Nearest Neaghbor kalman filter For Multi target Tracking System Multi ensor Radar pdf 146
1240 Zainudin Bonok Application of ant System and Nearest Neaghbor kalman filter For Multi target Tracking System Multi ensor Radar pdf 191
1241 Lis M. Yapanto Application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logics to estimate porosity for Asmari formation pdf 209
1242 Muhammad Yusuf Aproksimasi Osilator Chaotic dan Persamaan Fokker-Planck Pada Model Bursting Neuron Hindmarsh-Rose pdf
1243 Arbyn M.E. Dungga Arah Kebijakan UNG 2011 pdf 612
1244 Lusiana Margareth Tijow Arah Pembangunan Hukum Nasional dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP) Indonesia pdf 5673
1245 Nuralim Pasisingi Are Awaous ocellaris and Belobranchus belobranchus the two species of Nike fish schools? pdf
1246 Arifin Suking Arfifin Suking : The School Strategy in Multiple Intelligence Based Students' Character Building. pdf 284
1247 Arifin Suking Arifin Suking : Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan - Kajian Teoretis, Eksploratif, dan Aplikatif pdf 5139
1248 Arifin Suking Arifin Suking : Assessing soft skills of undergraduate students framework for improving competitiveness, innovation and competence of higher education graduates pdf 270
1250 Arifin Suking Arifin Suking : CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY PEER REVIEW JURNAL ILMIAH Assessing soft skills of undergraduate students framework for improving competitiveness, innovation and competence of higher education graduates pdf 197