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15026 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Turnitin The Development Learning Module of Gorontalo Local Content for Junior High School pdf 130
15027 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Turnitin The Potential of Gorontalo Province as Global Geopark pdf 161
15028 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Turnitin The Prevalence of Students and Teachers’ Ideas about Global Warming and the Use of Renewable Energy Technology pdf 101
15029 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Turnitin The Toponymy of Village Names in Gorontalo, Indonesia. Theory and Practice in Language Studies (TPLS) pdf 153
15030 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Utilization of the Storie Method to Analyze the Spatial Distribution of Ground Movement Vulnerability in the Limboto Watershed Area, Gorontalo Province pdf 266
15031 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : WebGIS Based Poverty Level Analysis (Case Study Of Wonosari Sub-District Boalemo Regency) pdf 118
15032 Magdalena Baga Sungai dan Danau: Kritik Lingkungan Hidup dalam Paantungi dan Lohidu Gorontalo pdf 94
15033 Rosman Ilato Superior Commodities of Gorontalo Province: Finding Way for Development Policies pdf 201
15034 Abd. Kadim Masaong Supervisi Pembelajaran dan Pengembangan Kapasitas Guru pdf
15035 Yoyanda Bait Suplementasi Lisin Pada Permen Keras Sari Jagung Metode Oven Pan pdf 7425
15036 Vivien Novarina A. Kasim Suplementasi ekstrak albumin ikan gabus terhadap status gizi dan imunitas pasien stroke pdf 850
15037 Vivien Novarina A. Kasim Supplementation Of Snakehead Fish Extract Toward Malondialdehyde (Mda) Level In Post-Stroke Patient pdf
15038 Lis M. Yapanto Supply chain management and logistic presentation: Mediation effect of competitive advantage pdf 95
15039 Alfi Sahri Remi Baruadi Supporting the capacity of coastal areas in North Gorontalo District pdf 207
15040 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Analisis Pendapatan dan Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Petani Kedelai di Desa Sindang Baru Kecamatan Toili Kabupaten Banggai pdf 261
15041 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Analisis Potensi Wilayah Berbasis Komoditas Ternak Ruminansia di Kota Gorontalo pdf 239
15042 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Analysis of lowland rice farmers’ income using star systems in Gorontalo Province pdf 292
15043 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Buku Ajar Ekonomi Produksi Pertanian pdf 9436
15044 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Korespondensi Analysis of lowland rice farmers’ income using star systems in Gorontalo Province pdf 124
15045 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Korespondensi Production Risks and Benefits Corn-Cow Integration System pdf 139
15046 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Turnitin Analysis of lowland rice farmers’ income using star systems in Gorontalo Province. pdf 116
15047 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Turnitin Cattle Supply Chain Transformation during Covid-19 Pandemic pdf 138
15048 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran : Turnitin Production Risks and Benefits Corn-Cow Integration System pdf 122
15049 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran: Analisis Keuntungan Usahatani pada Tumpangsari Tanaman Sawi, Seldri dan Tomat di Kecamatan Tilango Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 385
15050 Supriyo Imran Supriyo Imran: Analisis Nilai Tambah Keripik Ubi Kayu di UMKM Barokah Kabupaten Bone Bolango pdf 249