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4101 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Supervisi Akademik Pendidikan Nonformal Melalui Professional Develompment For Education Personnel Di Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Limboto Kabupaten Gorontalo pdf 189
4102 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Jurnal Ilmiah Entrepreneurial Management Coastal Muslim In The Village Bongo Gorontalo pdf 172
4103 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Pemberdayaan Tutor PAUD pdf 185
4104 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Program Pembelajaran Paket B dengan Metode Bermain Peran di Kabupaten Bone Bolango pdf 163
4105 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Jurnal Ilmiah Talking Stick Model on Nonformal Education pdf 162
4106 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Jurnal Ilmiah Kemampuan Menulis Lambang Bilangan Bahasa Inggris Melalui Direct Method pdf 253
4107 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Buku Kepemimpinan Pendidikan dan Budaya Mutu pdf 226
4108 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Buku Manajemen Profetik "Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Pesantren Alam" pdf 173
4109 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Peer Reviewer Buku Manajemen Pemberdayaan Pada Pendidikan Nonformal pdf 177
4110 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check Prosiding Class Management Through the Literacy Learning Buhuta Walama Lo Tihedu in the Province Gorontalo Indonesia pdf 140
4111 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check Prosiding Improving Quality Of Nonformal Education In Human Resource Development pdf 138
4112 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check Prosiding Model Kombinasi Gaya hidup dan Citra Merek Terhadap Produk Kojai pdf 155
4113 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check Jurnal Ilmiah Perceptual Mapping Leadership in Ethnic regional Perspective (Studies in Six Ethnic Dominant Gorontalo) pdf 118
4114 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah Clustering in Education pdf 213
4115 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah The Administrative Management Capacity of Village Chief pdf 244
4116 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah Exploring the Meaning of Cost Based Mo Polihu Lo Limu Custom of Gorontalo People pdf 289
4117 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah Mapping of Leadership Species Protection for the Sustainable Economic Growth of Local Communities pdf 295
4118 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah Impact Evaluation of Community Empowerment Programs with the Farmer Managed Extension Model pdf 183
4119 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah Partial Least Square Model in Community Education Management pdf 197
4120 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah Investment and Liability on Oil Palm Land Use and Environmental Sustainability pdf 300
4121 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check by Turnitin Jurnal Ilmiah Environmental Balance Management In Nonformal Education Learning pdf 204
4122 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check Jurnal Ilmiah Quality Approach in the Development of Management Information System in Higher Education pdf 155
4123 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check Jurnal Ilmiah Path Analysis Organizational Commitment And Micro Culture Against Leadership Lecturer In Higher Education pdf 154
4124 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Certificate of Originality Check Jurnal Ilmiah Measurement of Pamong Performance in Agency Early Childhood Education Development and Communicity Education pdf 140
4125 Lusiana Margareth Tijow Peer Review Arah Pembangunan Hukum Nasional dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP) Indonesia pdf 173