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11776 La Ode Aman La Ode Aman : Koresponden Screening Of Ashitaba (Angelica Keiskei K.) Compounds As Potential Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Kasa Inhibitors pdf 49
11777 La Ode Aman La Ode Aman : Turnitin In silico screening of Andrographis paniculata secondary metabolites as anti-diabetes mellitus through PDE9 inhibition pdf 46
11778 La Ode Aman La Ode Aman : Koresponden In silico screening of Andrographis paniculata secondary metabolites as anti-diabetes mellitus through PDE9 inhibition pdf 54
11779 Netty Ino Ischak Netty Ino Ischak : Bukti Korespondensi Preliminary Study of Clinical Antidiabetic Activity of Salam Leaves (Eugenia Polyantha) and Sambiloto Leaves (Andrographis Paniculata) In Type 2 Diabetic Patients pdf 62
11780 Netty Ino Ischak Netty Ino Ischak : Book Chapeter Kimia Medisinal pdf 19343
11781 Netty Ino Ischak Netty Ino Ischak : Book Chapeter Toxikologi Dasar pdf 22273
11782 Netty Ino Ischak Netty Ino Ischak : Book Chapeter EPIDEMIOLOGI KESEHATAN IBU HAMIL BERBASIS EVIDANCE BASED pdf 1956
11783 Netty Ino Ischak Netty Ino Ischak : Isolasi DNA dan Protein dengan Teknik PCR, Elektroforesis Agarose dan SDS-PAGE pdf 3208
11784 Netty Ino Ischak Netty Ino Ischak : Evaluasi Mutu Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Asap yang Diawetkan dengan Metode Ensilling pdf 60
11785 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Turnitin Developing and Analyzing the Quality of Games Based On Capture the Flag “Jeopardy Using Learning Method of Quiz Team pdf 71
11786 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Turnitin Development of government employee performance measurement models: Using Analytical Network Process and Simple Additive Weighting methods pdf 72
11787 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Korespondensi Development of government employee performance measurement models: Using Analytical Network Process and Simple Additive Weighting methods pdf 59
11788 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Turnitin Implementation of augmented reality on historical monuments in Gorontalo Province pdf 62
11789 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Korespondens Implementation of augmented reality on historical monuments in Gorontalo Province pdf 111
11790 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Korespondens Sistem Informasi Monitoring Wajib Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Berbasis Web pdf 123
11791 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Korespondens Penerapan Metode AHP-Topsis untuk Mengukur Tingkat Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Pesisir pdf 116
11792 Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku Moh. Ramdhan Arif Kaluku : Korespondens Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Android Memanfaatkan Layanan Web Service pdf 92
11793 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Turnitin Analysis of scientific argument of vocational high school students on the topic of substance change pdf 51
11794 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Turnitin Development of audio-visual learning media integrating character education in chemistry learning to facilitate conceptual change and character strengthening of high school students pdf 61
11795 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Korespondensi Development of audio-visual learning media integrating character education in chemistry learning to facilitate conceptual change and character strengthening of high school students pdf 50
11796 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Turnitin Analysis of students’ misconceptions using three-tier multiple choice diagnostic tests in colligative properties of solutions pdf 76
11797 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Korespondens Analysis of students’ misconceptions using three-tier multiple choice diagnostic tests in colligative properties of solutions pdf 62
11798 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Turnitin The effectiveness of chemical bond learning tools based on meaning learning model for training students’ moral sensitivity pdf 76
11799 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Kajian tentang Pembelajaran Kimia Berorientasi Inkuiri Terbimbing/Pogil dengan Multipel Representasi dalam Memfasilitasi Perubahan Konseptual Mahasiswa pdf 101
11800 Masrid Pikoli Masrid Pikoli : Konsepsi Mahasiswa pada Konsep Larutan Asam-Basa dan Larutan Penyangga pdf 71