No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
12376 |
Widya Rahmawaty Saman |
Microwave assisted extraction of betacyanin from peel of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) (Study of the extraction time and the ratio of materials : solvent) |
pdf |
285 |
12377 |
Widya Rahmawaty Saman |
Fermented Pulut Corn Milk Processing Training As Community Empowerment Efforts Bumi Bahari Village, Gorontalo Province |
pdf |
259 |
12378 |
Widya Rahmawaty Saman |
Pemanfaatan Limbah Udang (Litopenaeus vannamei) Dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Kunyit (Curcuma domestica) Dalam Pembuatan Kaldu Bubuk |
pdf |
442 |
12379 |
Mohamad Awal Lakadjo |
Pandangan Teori Kebutuhan Dasar Abraham Maslow dan Willian Glasser tentang Fenomena Flexing |
pdf |
789 |
12380 |
Agus Bahar Rachman |
Evaluating complete silage for goat feeding in Gorontalo, Indonesia |
pdf |
138 |
12381 |
Ahmad |
Konvergensi Penafsiran Konstitusional Terhadap Pengujian Undang-Undang Melalui Pendekatan Constitutional Dialogue |
pdf |
188 |
12382 |
Hasdiana |
Buku Ajar; Kriya Tekstil Terapan |
pdf |
987 |
12383 |
Abdul Hamid Isa |
Effectiveness of Mathematical Learning Module in Community Education Unit |
pdf |
121 |
12384 |
Mohamad Jahja |
How Effective Are Palm-Fiber-Based Erosion Control Blankets (ECB) against Natural Rainfall? |
pdf |
136 |
12385 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Rural Knowledge Transformation in Terms of Mercury Used in Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)—A Case Study in Gorontalo, Indonesia |
pdf |
205 |
12386 |
Mohamad Awal Lakadjo |
Analisis Tingkat Capaian Perkembangan Siswa Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Pertama 7 Gorontalo |
pdf |
754 |
12387 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
TURNITIN Community participation in the management of tourist areas (Case study in the tourist area of Bongo, Gorontalo District) Indonesia |
pdf |
79 |
12388 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
pdf |
76 |
12389 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
KORESPONDEN EMAIL Community Participation in the Management of Tourist Areas (Case Study in the Tourist Area of Bongo, Gorontalo District) Indonesia |
pdf |
99 |
12390 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
KORESPONDEN EMAIL Feasibility test of fishing variables on increasing Fishermen's income in tomini bay, gorontalo Province |
pdf |
198 |
12391 |
Yanti Aneta |
KORESPODEN EMAIL Bureaucracy Behavior In Expanding Access To EducationIn Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia |
pdf |
84 |
12392 |
Idris Yanto Niode |
korespondensi email Desain Pengembangan Potensi UMKM Berbasis Ekonomi Kreatif dan Pariwisata Bahari dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Ekonomi Wilayah (Studi di Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo) |
pdf |
116 |
12393 |
Nurdin |
Nurdin-Bukti-Korespondensi-Determination of Land Suitability Criteria for Maize Hybrid Final |
pdf |
86 |
12394 |
Nurdin |
Uji Plagiasi - Determination of Land Suitability Criteria of Maize |
pdf |
96 |
12395 |
Nurdin |
Determination of Land Suitability Criteria for Maize Hybrid in Boalemo Regency Based on Optimum Yield and Selected Land Quality |
pdf |
77 |
12396 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
KORESPONDEN EMAIL Assessing the Impact of Tourism on Fishermen's Income |
pdf |
116 |
12397 |
Rahim Husain |
KORESPONDEN EMAIL Effect of Leaf Extract (Jatropha curcas L.) Towards the Microbiolagic Quality of Layang Fish TPC (Decapterus sp.) At Room Temperature Storage |
pdf |
108 |
12398 |
Lis M. Yapanto |
KORESPONDEN EMAIL The contribution of the fisheries and marine sectors to improving regional income |
pdf |
108 |
12399 |
Lia Amalia |
Epidemiologi penyakit menular |
pdf |
826 |
12400 |
Lia Amalia |
pdf |
5324 |