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12376 Faizal Kasim Peer Review: Mercury Contamination in Limboto Lake pdf 112
12377 I Wayan Seriyoga Parta Subconscious Memory Narrative In The Exploration Of Iconic Puppet Of I Ketut Teja Astawa’s Painting pdf 112
12378 Ellyana Hinta Ellyana Hinta : Peereviewer Kearifan Lokal Dalam Kuliner Tradisional Gorontalo : Ilabulo, U Yihale, Tilaya Dan Kukis Karawo pdf 112
12379 Heldy Vanni Alam Heldy Vanni Alam : Turnitin Sustainable Development in the Age of Disruption pdf 112
12380 Safriyanto Dako Safriyanto Dako : Diversity Gen Growth Hormone (Gh) of Kacang Goat In Kota Gorontalo and Regency Of Bone Bolango (Province Of Gorontalo) pdf 112
12381 Novendri M Nggilu Novendri M. Nggilu : Peereviewer Menapaki Jalan Konstitusional Menuju Zaken Cabinet : Ikhtiar Mewujudkan Pemerintah Berkualitas Konstitusi pdf 112
12382 Novendri M Nggilu Novendri M. Nggilu : Peereviewer Legal Protection Bonda And Bulango Languange : In Reality And Prospect pdf 112
12383 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : The Physics And Chemical Characteristics Of Sausage Catfish Subtitution By Algae (kappaphycus Alvarezii). pdf 112
12384 Rosma Kadir Rosma Kadir : Peereviwer Karakteristik dan Perlakuan (Treatment) Terhadap Penderita Afasia pdf 112
12385 La Nane La Nane: Turnitin The abundance and distribution patterns of sea urchins in Botubarani waters, Tomini Bay, Indonesia pdf 112
12386 Zuchri Abdussamad Zuchri Abdussamad : Peereviewer The Effectiveness Of Population Administrative Document Service Delivery (Family Cards And Birth Certificates) In The Gorontalo City Department Of Population And Civil Registration pdf 112
12387 Sitti Roskina Mas Sitti Roskina Mas : Peereviewer Integrasi Kreativitas dan Inovasi pada Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Unit Produksi pdf 112
12388 Magdalena Baga Magdalena Baga : Peereviewer Corruption, Officials’ Attitude, And Mechanism Of Officials Election In A History Of New York By Washington Irving pdf 112
12389 Fitri Hadi Yulia Akib Fitri Hadi Yulia Akib : Turnitin Income and expenditure composition household poor maize farmers pdf 112
12390 Yanti Aneta Yanti Aneta : Peereviewer Penguatan Manajemen Usaha dan Strategi Pemasaran pada Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah di Desa Sogu Kecamatan Monano Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 112
12391 Faizal Kasim Turnitin Jurnal: Comparison of True Mangrove Stands in Dudepo and Ponelo Islands, North Gorontalo District, Indonesia pdf 112
12392 Sri Indriyani Dai Effectiveness of Utilizing Village Fund Allocation: Case in Gorontalo Regency Universitas Negeri Gorontal pdf 112
12393 Irwan Yantu Turnitin Artikel "Using the Hofstede’s Organizational Culture Framework to Measure the Feasibility of Tourist Sites: Tourist Satisfaction Analysis" pdf 112
12394 Lis M. Yapanto The contribution of the fisheries and marine sectors to improving regional income pdf 112
12395 Maryam Rahim Maryam Rahim : Bukti Korespondensi Prototype Aplikasi Identifikasi Karir Berbasis Android Berdasarkan Teori Holland sebagai Media Bimbingan dan Konseling Karir Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas pdf 112
12396 Eduart Wolok TURNITIN Management Strategy for Development Industries of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for coastal communities in Tomini Bay pdf 112
12397 Ismet Sulila Ismet Sulila : Turnitin The Impact of Bureaucratic Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture in Public Sectoron the Performance of State Civil Apparatus pdf 112
12398 Wahab Musa Wahab-Musa-Turnitin-Dynamics-of-SIS-epidemic-model-with-competition-involving-fractional-order-derivative-with-power-law-kernel pdf 112
12399 Lintje Boekoesoe Turnitin The knowledge and anxiety toward the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination pdf 112