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13151 Krishna Anugrah Pembangunan Pariwisata Daerah Melalui Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Gorontalo pdf
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13154 Arip Mulyanto Preservation and Development Strategies of Gorontalo’s Local Culture through Gorontalo Cultural Digital Repository Application pdf 431
13155 Weny J.A. Musa Bioactive Compounds in Tombili Seeds and Tubile Roots as the Alternative for Synthetic Pesticide to Protect Wheats from Insects and Pests pdf 436
13156 Widy Susanti Abdulkadir Burn Wound Healing Effect of Trembesi (Samanea saman) Leaves Extract Gel on Rats (Rattus novergicus) pdf 662
13157 Ramli Utina Short Communication: Crab species distribution under mangrove stands in Tabongo, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf
13158 Ramli Utina ECOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE OF COASTAL COMMUNITY ON BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (Case Study of Bajau Coastal Communities, Gorontalo) pdf
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13160 Ramli Utina Short communication: The Implementation of Local Wisdom Intervention by Bajo People In Eco-Friendly Artisanal Fishery In Torosiaje Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf
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