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11551 Fence M Wantu Fence M Wantu : Turnitin Regulatory arrangement in the welfare sector using the omnibus law method pdf 126
11552 Aryati Alitu Evaluasi Daya Dukung Lingkungan Berbasis Neraca Air Di DAS Bolango pdf 126
11553 Andi Juanna Turnitin: Analysis of the Effect of Customer Experience, with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable pdf 126
11554 Henryd Maramis Lampiran 1 Surat Permohonan 70% docx 125
11555 Abdul Hafidz Olii Correspondance Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan Abdul Hafidz _ Growth Performance of Layang (Scad) Fish (Decapterus russelli, Ruppell 1830) Caught from Tomini Bay pdf 125
11556 Novianty Djafri Novianty Djafri : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM CHECK The Competence of Administrative Employees in Archive Management at Vocational High School (SMK) in Gorontalo Regency pdf 125
11557 Abdul Rahmat Abdul Rahmat : Penyunting buku "Capacity building pemerintah daerah menuju good governance : upaya mewujudkan keseimbangan politik, akuntabilitas pemerintah, dan pertanggungjawaban pemerintah lokal" Penulis Rosman Ilato pdf 125
11558 Aziz Salam Reviewer Boats of Indonesia pdf 125
11559 Yulianto Kadji Yulianto Kadji : CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY Institutional Revitalization in Public Sector : A Case Study at State Electricity Company in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 125
11560 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Eraku : CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY Data Spasial Fisik Lahan untuk Penentuan Konservasi Lahan Jagung di Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 125
11561 Abdul Hafidz Olii ORIGINALITY REPORT Molecular Approach to Identify Gobioid Fishes, “Nike” and “Hundala” (Local Name), from Gorontalo Waters, Indonesia pdf 125
11562 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Peereviewer Cultural Tourism as a Support of Local Content Learning in Gorontalo Regency pdf 125
11563 Yuszda K. Salimi Kajian Senyawa Antioksidan dan Antiinflamasi Tumbuhan Obat Binahong (Andredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) Asal Gorontalo pdf 125
11564 Nova Elysia Ntobuo Certificate of Plagiarism: Developing Device of Learning Based on Virtual Laboratory through Phet Simulation for Physics Lesson with Sound Material pdf 125
11565 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Training of Making Corn Steak in Bonebolango District pdf 125
11566 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Turnitin Local Wisdom Value Of Bubohu Bongo Cultural Tourism From Folklore Perspective pdf 125
11567 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Artikel Koran Refleksi Harian Difabel Internasional (Peduli, Tidak Sekedar Mengasihani Tanpa Memberdayakan) pdf 125
11568 Fory Armin Naway Fory Armin Nawai : Artikel Koran HKSN dan Upaya Mengembangkan Mutiara yang Mulai Hilang pdf 125
11569 Zulaeha Laisa Peer Review Seminar Internasional Prosiding: E-Learning Administrative Simplification through Integration with Academic Information System of Higher Education pdf 125
11570 Tirtawaty Abdul Tirtawaty Abdjul : Turnitin Developing Device of Learning Based on Virtual Laboratory through Phet Simulation for Physics Lesson with Sound Material pdf 125
11571 Herlina Jusuf Herlina Jusuf : Peereviewer Model of Spread of Infectious Diseases pdf 125
11572 Rusdin Djibu Hubungan Pengetahuan Administrasi Sekolah dan Motivasi Kerja dengan Perilaku Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah T.A 2016/2017 pdf 125
11573 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Peereviewer Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) on Environment and Human Health of Gorontalo Utara Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 125
11574 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Peereviewer Morphometric and genetic variations of species composers of nike fish assemblages in Gorontalo Bay Waters, Indonesia pdf 125
11575 Margaretha Solang Margaretha Solang : Peereviewer Analysis The Number of Bacteria in Anadara granosa Shell Toothpaste With Addition Of Citrus medica With Different Storage Duration pdf 125