No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
13901 |
Mutia Cherawaty Thalib |
Mutia Cherawaty Thalib : Turnitin Developing Protection Law Based on Gorontalo Local Culture for Domestic Workers at Gorontalo City |
pdf |
136 |
13902 |
Nur Mohamad Kasim |
Nur Mohammad Kasim : Gender Gap in Granting The Customary Title "Pohutu Momulanga" in Gorontalo |
pdf |
136 |
13903 |
Nur Mohamad Kasim |
NurNur Mohammad Kasim : Peereviewer The Issue of Waqaf in the Society of Gorontalo |
pdf |
136 |
13904 |
Muhammad Amir Arham |
Muhammad Amir Arham : Turnitin Does Village Fund Transfer Address the Issue of Inequality and Poverty? A Lesson from Indonesia |
pdf |
136 |
13905 |
Muhammad Amir Arham |
Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer Berdamailah dengan Inovasi |
pdf |
136 |
13906 |
Rusdin Djibu |
Peer Review Development Of Andragogical Learning Model To Improve Life Skill For Teenagers Who Drop Out Of School In Gorontalo City |
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136 |
13907 |
Heldy Vanni Alam |
Heldy Vanni Alam : Turnitin The Effect of Remuneration on Lecturer Performance in Gorontalo State University |
pdf |
136 |
13908 |
Heldy Vanni Alam |
Heldy Vanni Alam : Peereviewer Organizational Citizenship Behavior bagi Dosen di Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Menuju Era Disruption |
pdf |
136 |
13909 |
Irvin Novita Arifin |
Irvin Novita Arifin : Turnitin The Effect of Prior Knowledge on Students’ Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Basic Science Concepts |
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136 |
13910 |
Citron S. Payu |
Peer Review Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi: "Development of Virtual Laboratory-Based of Learning to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes of High School Students" |
pdf |
136 |
13911 |
Novendri M Nggilu |
Novendri M. Nggilu : Turnitin The Urgency of Gorontalo Traditional Cultural Regulation Expression as a Form of Legal Protection for National Culture |
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136 |
13912 |
Dakia N. Djou |
Dakia N. DjoU : Peereviewer Dialog Peminangan dalam Bahasa Gorontalo |
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136 |
13913 |
Asna Ntelu |
Asna Ntelu : Peereviewer Menyiasati Kejenuhan Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia (Keterampilan Berbicara). Buku Cakrawala Perubahan "Merangkai Gagasan, Kebijakan dan Harapan" |
pdf |
136 |
13914 |
Rieny Sulistijowati S. |
Rieny Sulistijowati : Peereviewer Uji Mutu Ikan Cakalang Asap dari Unit Pengolahan Ikan di Provinsi Gorontalo |
pdf |
136 |
13915 |
Rieny Sulistijowati S. |
Rieny Sulistijowati : Turnitin The Physics And Chemical Characteristics Of Sausage Catfish Subtitution By Algae (kappaphycus Alvarezii). |
pdf |
136 |
13916 |
Rosma Kadir |
Rosma Kadir : Turnitin Pembelajaran Sastra Berbasis Karakter. Prosiding Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa XIII |
pdf |
136 |
13917 |
Rosma Kadir |
Rosma Kadir : Turnitin Gastronomic Tourism Development In Gorontalo Province |
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136 |
13918 |
Rosma Kadir |
Rosma Kadir : Peereviewer Register Bahasa Hukum |
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136 |
13919 |
Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe |
Sukma Nurilawati Botutihe : Konsep Dasar Profesionalisme Kepala Sekolah. Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Profesional Era Revolusi 4.0 |
pdf |
136 |
13920 |
Lukman A.R. Laliyo |
Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Peereviewer Pengaruh Kemampuan Berpikir Formal dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Melalui Membaca dan Menggambar SMRs Kimia Kelas XI IPA dI Kota Gorontalo |
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136 |
13921 |
Tineke Wolok |
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136 |
13922 |
Mursidah Waty |
Karawo Batik (KabaQ) |
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136 |
13923 |
Yanti Aneta |
Yanti Aneta : Peereviewer The Implementation Of Village-Owned Enterprise (Bumdes) Policy To Improve The Village Economy In Bone Pesisir Bone Bolango |
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136 |
13924 |
Rasuna Rasid Talib |
Rasuna Rasid Talib : Peereviewer Dulo Ito Mohunlonthalo "Lets Speak Gorontalo |
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136 |
13925 |
Abdul Haris Odja |
Abdul Haris Odja : Peereviewer The Effectiveness of Integrated Natural Science Learning by Using Scientific Approach-Based Module to Improve Students’ Creative Thinking Skill |
pdf |
136 |