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376 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Pendidikan Kecakapan Hidup dalam Perspektif PNF pdf 665
377 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat pdf 32538
378 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Pengembangan Model Pelatihan Kecakapan Hidup Terintegrasi dengan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Lokal dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Berusaha (Studi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir di Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai Provinsi Gorontalo) pdf 90
379 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Performance Improvement Of Pamong Belajar At Spnf Skb Batudaa pdf 199
380 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Strengthening Life Skills In The Rehabilitation Process Of Drug Users In North Gorontalo District pdf 92
381 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : The Andragogy-Based Learning Model to Increase Functional Literacy Learning Motivation pdf 2416
382 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : The Development of Bargain Circuit Game Models In Improving The Ability to Socialize Children of Group B in TK South Luwuk District pdf 322
383 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : The Model of Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Local Potential of Independent Business Literacy pdf 300
384 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin An Analysis on The Functional Skill-Learning Model to Improve The Fisherwomen's Business Independence in The District of Gorontalo pdf 100
385 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Effectiveness of Learning Media to Improve Student Character pdf 105
386 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Effectiveness of Life Skill Training towards Improvement of Self-Business of Society pdf 91
387 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Efforts To Improve The Capability Of Head Of School Private Schools In Implementing Teacher Performance Assessment Through The Guide pdf 119
388 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Family Education For Early Stunting The Pandemic Era Covid-19 pdf 111
389 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Impact Online Games For Teens In Well Gorontalo City pdf 106
390 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Improvement Training Program Evaluation Model Early Children's Educator Competency pdf 102
391 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Performance Improvement Of Pamong Belajar At Spnf Skb Batudaa pdf 136
392 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin Strengthening Life Skills In The Rehabilitation Process Of Drug Users In North Gorontalo District pdf 112
393 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin The Andragogy-Based Learning Model to Increase Functional Literacy Learning Motivation pdf 110
394 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin The Development of Bargain Circuit Game Models In Improving The Ability to Socialize Children of Group B in TK South Luwuk District pdf 136
395 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin The Model of Thematic Teaching Materials Based on Local Potential of Independent Business Literacy pdf 89
396 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Turnitin The Phenomena of Life Skill Education of a Coastal Community: An Empirical Study of Education from The Aspect of Community’s Productivity pdf 111
397 Abdul Haris Odja Abdul Haris Odja : A development of multiple representation-based integrative science learning set to improve scientific literacy in the concept of heat pdf 163
398 Abdul Haris Odja Abdul Haris Odja : Analysis of Student Problem Solving Skills on Physics Concepts in SMP/MTs Through Blended Learning Early Teaching During The Covid-19 Pandemic pdf 104
399 Abdul Haris Odja Abdul Haris Odja : Bukti Korespondensi A development of multiple representation-based integrative science learning set to improve scientific literacy in the concept of heat pdf 162
400 Abdul Haris Odja Abdul Haris Odja : Bukti Korespondensi Analysis of Student Problem Solving Skills on Physics Concepts in SMP/MTs Through Blended Learning Early Teaching During The Covid-19 Pandemic pdf 892