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13076 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowaty : Laporan Akhir Kuliah Kerja Nyata – Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN-PPM) Kkn-Ppm Bagi Ukm Pengasapan Ikan Di Kecamatan Gentuma Raya Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara pdf 831
13077 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowaty : Laporan Akhir Penelitian Diseminasi Pengolahan Produk Ikan Fillet Dalam Kemasan pdf 6690
13078 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowaty : Laporan Akhir Penelitian Prioritas Nasional Percepatan Dan Perluasan Pembangunan Indonesia (2011-2025) - Fokus / Koridor Perikanan / Sulawesi dengan judul: Pengembangan Usaha Ikan Julung-Julung (Hemirhampus sp) Asap Sebagai Komoditi pdf 936
13079 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowaty Buku Manajemen Elektronik Jurnal: Upaya Keberlanjutan Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 pdf 157
13080 Sardi Salim Rifer flow Modelling for Sustainable Operation Of Hydroelectric Power Plan in Taludaa-Gorontalo Watershed pdf 238
13081 Abdul Wahid Rauf Rincian Kebutuhan CPNS UNG Tahun 2021 pdf 1792
13082 Arwildayanto Rintisan Desa Cerdas (RDC) melalui Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Bakti Kecamatan Pulubala Kabupaten Gorontalo Provinsi Gorontalo pdf 254
13083 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : Buku Kualitas Audit Badan Pengawasan Daerah pdf 1364
13084 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM Mapping of Financial Literacy Levels of the People in Gorontalo City in Supporting the Policy of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia pdf 187
13085 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM The Role of Profitability in Mediating the Effect of Dividend Policy and Company Size on Company Value pdf 154
13086 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : CERTIFICATE OF PLAGIARISM The Role of the Company's Value in the Mediate Influence the Structure of Capital, Return on Assets and Return on Equity Against the Share Price pdf 215
13087 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : Mapping of Financial Literacy Levels of the People in Gorontalo City in Supporting the Policy of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia pdf 293
13088 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : PEER REVIEW BUKU Kualitas Audit Badan Pengawasan Daerah pdf 210
13089 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : PEER REVIEW JURNAL ILMIAH Mapping of Financial Literacy Levels of the People in Gorontalo City in Supporting the Policy of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia pdf 226
13090 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : PEER REVIEW JURNAL ILMIAH The Role of Profitability in Mediating the Effect of Dividend Policy and Company Size on Company Value pdf 273
13091 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : PEER REVIEW JURNAL ILMIAH The Role of the Company's Value in the Mediate Influence the Structure of Capital, Return on Assets and Return on Equity Against the Share Price pdf 207
13092 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : The Role of Profitability in Mediating the Effect of Dividend Policy and Company Size on Company Value pdf 379
13093 Rio Monoarfa Rio Monoarfa : The Role of the Company's Value in the Mediate Influence the Structure of Capital, Return on Assets and Return on Equity Against the Share Price pdf 674
13094 Ramli Utina Riset Tanaman Obat dan Jamu pdf 11275
13095 Fenty U. Puluhulawa Risk Management Strategy for Mining Area Polluted By Mercury (Rasch Model to Evaluate Community Attitudes Towards Prohibition of Using Mercury as Implementation of the Minamata Convention) pdf 185
13096 Funco Tanipu Risma dan Antropologi Marah pdf 78
13097 Ritin Uloli Ritin Uloli : Buku Berpikir Kreatif dalam Penyelesaian Masalah: Tantangan Pembelajaran Abad 21 pdf 2800
13098 Ritin Uloli Ritin Uloli : Buku Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa pdf 710
13099 Ritin Uloli Ritin Uloli : Turnitin Creative Thinking Ability of Students on Oper-Ended Problem Solving: Physics Ability View pdf 88