No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3276 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Ability of Treated Kapok (Ceiba Pentandra) Fiber for Removal of Clay Particle From Water Turbidity |
pdf |
716 |
3277 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Buku Hebatnya Manfaat Serat |
pdf |
1256 |
3278 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Optical And Structural Properties On Washed Kapok Fibers |
pdf |
524 |
3279 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Investigation about Creation Possibility of Pearl Farming in North Gorontalo, Indonesia for the Solution to Economical Poverty and Environmental Problem |
pdf |
482 |
3280 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Sustainability of Programs of KKN Kebangsaan in Pinomontiga Village of Bulawa District of Bone Bolango Regency, Indonesia |
pdf |
465 |
3281 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Kajian XRD dan XRF pada Batuan Kapur di Desa Buliide Kecamatan Kota Barat Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
3354 |
3282 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : The Development of Multicultural Learning Model Internalized by Gorontalonese Culture and Environment on Elementary School in the Community Mining Territory in Gorontalo Utara Regency |
pdf |
618 |
3283 |
Sri Endang Saleh |
Pernyataan Keabsahan The Likelihood |
pdf |
287 |
3284 |
Sri Endang Saleh |
Hasil Peer Review Artikel The Likelihood Strategies... |
pdf |
395 |
3285 |
Karmila Machmud |
pdf |
2958 |
3286 |
Karmila Machmud |
pdf |
885 |
3287 |
Hasan S. Panigoro |
Pengaruh Pemanenan terhadap Model Verhulst dengan Efek Allee |
pdf |
1067 |
3288 |
Hasan S. Panigoro |
Modifikasi Sistem Predator-Prey: Dinamika Model Leslie-Gower dengan Daya Dukung yang Tumbuh Logistik |
pdf |
1455 |
3289 |
Lintje Boekoesoe |
Effect Of Using Coconut Oil (VCO) Against Skin Moisture on Leprosy in Gorontalo City |
pdf |
327 |
3290 |
Lintje Boekoesoe |
Ancaman Deman Berdarah Dengue |
pdf |
1636 |
3291 |
Lintje Boekoesoe |
Study of Enviromental Factors on Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (Dnf) Cases |
pdf |
312 |
3292 |
Lintje Boekoesoe |
Relationship Study of Physical Environmental Factors, Larvae Free Index, Distribution of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Distance Index to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Cases (A Case Study in Gorontalo City Province of Gorontalo) |
pdf |
410 |
3293 |
Lintje Boekoesoe |
Spread Pattern of Dengue Fever Incidence and Used of System Information Geographic Data into Surveillance Activities in Dungingi Subdistrict City of Gorontalo |
pdf |
432 |
3294 |
Lintje Boekoesoe |
Deskripsi Pola Penyebaran Kejadian Demam Berdarah dan Penerapan Data Sistem Informasi Geografis pada Kegiatan Surveilans dalam Upaya Pengendalian Demam Berdarah di Kecamatan Dungingi Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
851 |
3295 |
Idham Halid Lahay |
Pengaruh waktu Recall dan Jumlah Angka Terhadap Short Term Memory |
pdf |
3296 |
Idham Halid Lahay |
Evaluasi Postur Kerja Pembuat Batako di Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
3297 |
Idham Halid Lahay |
Efektivitas Pembakaran Biopelet Kelapa sebagai Energi Bahan Bakar Alternatif Pengganti Minyak Tanah Ramah Lingkungan |
pdf |
3298 |
Idham Halid Lahay |
Analisa Postur Kerja Pengrajin Karawo DI Gorontalo dengan Rapid Upper Limb Asessment |
pdf |
3299 |
Idham Halid Lahay |
Formulasi Biopelet Berbahan Ampas Kelapa sebagai Energi Alternatif |
pdf |
3300 |
Idham Halid Lahay |
Analisa Peta Tangan Kanan dan Tangan Kiri Pengrajin Karawo |
pdf |