No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3276 |
Karmila Machmud |
Karmila Machmud : Model-model Pembelajaran Kurikulum 2013 |
pdf |
374 |
3277 |
Karmila Machmud |
Karmila Machmud : Peran Role Model Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Konteks Foreign Language : Suatu Penelitian Kualitatif Tentang Identitas dan Budaya Dalam Pembangunan Karakter |
pdf |
621 |
3278 |
Sastro Mustapa Wantu |
Peer Review Government Policies and Ethnical Diversity Under Multiculturalism: The Study of Pohuwato Regency |
pdf |
263 |
3279 |
Bambang Suharto |
Bambang Suharto : buku Pancir Pemberdayaan Desa Wisata Religi |
pdf |
2942 |
3280 |
Karmila Machmud |
Karmila Machmud : Integrating Technology Into EFL Curriculum |
pdf |
469 |
3281 |
Karmila Machmud |
Karmila Machmud : Exploring Teachers Understanding on The Issue of Plagiarism |
pdf |
375 |
3282 |
Usman Moonti |
Bahan Ajar Matakuliah Dasar-Dasar Koperasi |
pdf |
47652 |
3283 |
Imran Rosman Hambali |
Peer Review Pengaruh Partisipasi dalam Penyusunan Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial dengan Gaya Kepemimpinan Sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi Pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kota Gorontalo) |
pdf |
261 |
3284 |
Imran Rosman Hambali |
Peer Review Pengaruh Motivasi Usaha, Laporan Keuangan Dan Kemandirian Usaha Terhadap Kinerja Usaha UKM Di Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
292 |
3285 |
Karmila Machmud |
pdf |
748 |
3286 |
Karmila Machmud |
Karmila Machmud : The Influence of Role Model Affects Teacher Identity Development in English as a Foreign Language Teaching Context |
pdf |
703 |
3287 |
Karmila Machmud |
Karmila Machmud : The Emerging Trends in Teaching English as a Foreign Language |
pdf |
364 |
3288 |
Karmila Machmud |
Karmila Machmud : World Culture The Experience-Based Story to Share |
pdf |
430 |
3289 |
Bambang Suharto |
Bambang Suharto : Optimalisasi Peran Laboratorium Perhotelan Sebagai Pusat Pelatihandan Unit Bisnis Kampus |
pdf |
662 |
3290 |
Bambang Suharto |
Bambang suharto : Meretas Pulau Raja Sebagai Destinasi Unggulan di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara |
pdf |
551 |
3291 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Ability of Treated Kapok (Ceiba Pentandra) Fiber for Removal of Clay Particle From Water Turbidity |
pdf |
748 |
3292 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Buku Hebatnya Manfaat Serat |
pdf |
1386 |
3293 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Optical And Structural Properties On Washed Kapok Fibers |
pdf |
574 |
3294 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Investigation about Creation Possibility of Pearl Farming in North Gorontalo, Indonesia for the Solution to Economical Poverty and Environmental Problem |
pdf |
516 |
3295 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Sustainability of Programs of KKN Kebangsaan in Pinomontiga Village of Bulawa District of Bone Bolango Regency, Indonesia |
pdf |
499 |
3296 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : Kajian XRD dan XRF pada Batuan Kapur di Desa Buliide Kecamatan Kota Barat Kota Gorontalo |
pdf |
3422 |
3297 |
Mohamad Jahja |
Mohamad Jahja : The Development of Multicultural Learning Model Internalized by Gorontalonese Culture and Environment on Elementary School in the Community Mining Territory in Gorontalo Utara Regency |
pdf |
657 |
3298 |
Sri Endang Saleh |
Pernyataan Keabsahan The Likelihood |
pdf |
301 |
3299 |
Sri Endang Saleh |
Hasil Peer Review Artikel The Likelihood Strategies... |
pdf |
414 |
3300 |
Karmila Machmud |
pdf |
3021 |