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9976 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Peereviewer Geology and 2D modelling of magnetic data to evaluate surface and subsurface setting in Bongongoayu geothermal area, Gorontalo pdf 62
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9978 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Local Wisdom Value Of Bubohu Bongo Cultural Tourism From Folklore Perspective pdf 101
9979 Citron S. Payu Turnitin Artikel Prosiding: A Study of Elementary School of Science Learning All Batudaa District of Gorontalo pdf 65
9980 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Peereviewer Local Wisdom Value Of Bubohu Bongo Cultural Tourism From Folklore Perspective pdf 57
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9982 Citron S. Payu Turnitin Jurnal: The Influence Of M-Learning Based Ryleac Learning Model Towards Students’ Character In SMA 1 State Senior High School In Gorontalo pdf 67
9983 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Information system of Limboto Lake potential management pdf 377
9984 Citron S. Payu Turnitin Jurnal: Implementation Of Fun Learning Through Mind Mapping Method In History Of Physics Course In Physics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo pdf 61
9985 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Peereviewer Information system of Limboto Lake potential management pdf 75
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9987 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : The Prevalence of Students and Teachers’ Ideas about Global Warming and the Use of Renewable Energy Technology pdf 85
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9990 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Microfacies and Depositional Environment of Tertiary Limestone, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 93
9991 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Peereviewer Microfacies and Depositional Environment of Tertiary Limestone, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 56
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9993 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Erosion Hazard Analysis in The Limboto Lake Catchement Area, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 61
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