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12476 Miftahul Khair Kadim Miftahul Khair Kadim : Penguji Skripsi a.n Dwitanti pdf 154
12477 Abd. Rahman Pakaya Abdul Rahman Pakaya : Peereviewer The effect of job design and job description on employees’ performance pdf 154
12478 Rusmin Husain Rusmin Husain : Turnitin Improving Elementary School Students' Achievement through Development of Savibased Thematic Instructional Media pdf 154
12479 Umbang Arif Rokhayati Peerreview Effect of Fermentation Trunk Banana Shoes (Moses Paradisiaca Forma Typica) Body Weight Against Added Bali Cattle (Bos Sondaicus) pdf 154
12480 Irwan Wunarlan Irwan Wunarlan : Peereviewer Pemasaran Komoditas Unggulan Era Otonomi Daerah pdf 154
12481 Muh. Tahir PeerReview_Desain dan Uji Sistem Pengeringan Serta Karakterisasi Pengeringan Komoditas Unggulan Daerah Gorontalo (Tahun ke-2) pdf 154
12482 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Peereviewer The Potential of Gorontalo Province as Global Geopark pdf 154
12483 Musrowati Lasindrang Musrowati Lasindrang : Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Perusakan Lingkungan ditinjau dari Aspek Keefektivitasnya Penerapan Buku Mutu Lingkungan pdf 154
12484 Isnawati Mohamad Peer Review Dampak Penggunaan Obat Keriting Sebagai Obat Pelurusan Rambut Bagi Kesehatan dan Kepuasan Konsumen (Kasus Kelompok Usaha Salon Rumahan di Kelurahan Tenda Kecamatan Hulonthalangi Kota Gorontalo) pdf 154
12485 Andi Juanna Peer Review: Penerapan Internal Marketing untuk Menciptakan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan dalam Upaya Mendorong Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Lembaga Pembiayaan di Gorontalo pdf 154
12486 Ellyana Hinta Ellyana Hinta : Peereviewer Kearifan Lokal Dalam Kuliner Tradisional Gorontalo : Ilabulo, U Yihale, Tilaya Dan Kukis Karawo pdf 154
12487 Safriyanto Dako Safriyanto Dako : Peereviewer Diversity Gen Growth Hormone (Gh) of Kacang Goat In Kota Gorontalo and Regency Of Bone Bolango (Province Of Gorontalo) pdf 154
12488 Asna Ntelu Asna Ntelu : Peereviewer Aneka Teknik Keterampilan Berbicara Ragam Dialogis pdf 154
12489 La Nane La Nane: Turnitin The abundance and distribution patterns of sea urchins in Botubarani waters, Tomini Bay, Indonesia pdf 154
12490 Hasim Hasim : Peereviewer Dampak Covid-19 dan Rekomendasi terhadap Perikanan Tangkap Tradisional dan Budidaya di Indonesia. Buku Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Perikanan Era New Normal Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Gagasan Inovasi Masa Depan pdf 154
12491 Lukman A.R. Laliyo Lukman Abdul Rauf Laliyo : Peereviewer Dampak Eksekusi Rumah Tinggal Terhadap Kelanjutan Pendidikan Anak Sekolah Dasar pdf 154
12492 Yanti Aneta Yanti Aneta : The Effect Of Work Motivation And Work Discipline On State Civil Apparatus (Asn) Performances In The Regional Civil Service Agency In Gorontalo Province pdf 154
12493 Robert Tungadi Robert Tungadi : The Effect of Penetrant Enhancer Combination towards the Diffusion Rate of Snakehead Fish (Ophiocephalus striatus) Cream in Vitro and Vivo pdf 154
12494 Rasuna Rasid Talib Rasuna Rasid Talib : Students' perspectives toward Autonomy learning through Jigsaw method in Semantics and Pragmatics subject pdf 154
12495 Abdul Haris Odja Abdul Haris Odja : The Effectiveness of Implementation Cooperative Learning Model Oriented Life Skills For The 21st Century to Improve Writing Science Skills in Physics Concepts pdf 154
12496 Sunarto Kadir Sunarto Kadir : Peereviewer The Role of Knowledge and Parenting Culture in Determining the Toddler Nutrition Status pdf 154
12497 Maryam Rahim Maryam Rahim : Peerviewer Pembelajaran Bahasa Daerah Gorontalo Pada Anak Usia Dini pdf 154
12498 Pupung Puspa Ardini Pupung Puspa Ardini : Peereviewer Improving Science Activities Through STEAM Approach using Camastasia Studio Multimedia in Early Childhood Education pdf 154
12499 Novendri M Nggilu Novendri M. Nggilu : Butki Korespondensi The Indonesian State Policy: History And The Future pdf 154
12500 Hasim Hasim : Turnitin Administration of Probiotic sanolife Mic-S on Biological Performance of Vanamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) PL 10 pdf 154