
Halaman 579 dari 677
Jumlah Total Unduh : 33535528
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14451 Sri Indriyani Dai Turnitin_7 Analisis Pembiayaan, Kinerja Pendidikan pdf 111
14452 Yuszda K. Salimi Peer Review Formulasi Minuman Fungsional dari Daun Kelor pdf 111
14453 Nur Mohamad Kasim Nur Mohammad Kasim : Turnitin Contributions of Profession Zakat on Local Economic Development pdf 111
14454 Muhammad Amir Arham Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer Village Fund Transfer and Rural Poverty in Indonesia pdf 111
14455 Muhammad Amir Arham Muhammad Amir Arham : Peereviewer Merobohkan Menara Gading Perguruan Tinggi pdf 111
14456 Abdul Hamid Isa Abdul Hamid Isa : Peereviewer Effectiveness of Learning Media to Improve Student Character pdf 111
14457 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : Peereviewer Identifikasi Kandungan Tanin pada Sonneratia Alba pdf 111
14458 Zuchri Abdussamad Zuchri Abdussamad : Peereviewer Public Service in KPPT Office in Kota Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 111
14459 Zuchri Abdussamad Zuchri Abdussamad : Peereviewer The Determinants of Personality Formation of Public Services in the Local Government of Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo pdf 111
14460 Zuchri Abdussamad Zuchri Abdussamad : Peereviewer The Effects Of Transformational Leadership And Organizational Climate On The Performance Of Employees At Pusat Paud Islam Terpadu Al Ishlah Gorontalo pdf 111
14461 Zulaecha Ngiu Zulaecha Ngiu : Peereviewer Multicultural Education In Strengthening National Beware Of Radicalism Threats In Indonesia pdf 111
14462 Dolot Alhasni Bakung Dolot Alhasni Bakung : Turnitin Health Service Law in Remote Doctor Consultation (Telemedicine) pdf 111
14463 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Peereviewer Evaluasi Karakteristik Kualitas Air Danau Limboto pdf 111
14464 Fitryane Lihawa Fitryane Lihawa : Peereviewer Perubahan Tutupan Lahan dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pola Persebaran Suhu di Kota Gorontalo pdf 111
14465 Citron S. Payu Turnitin Jurnal: Implementation Of Fun Learning Through Mind Mapping Method In History Of Physics Course In Physics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo pdf 111
14466 Sunarty Suly Eraku Sunarty Suly Eraku : Peereviewer Information system of Limboto Lake potential management pdf 111
14467 Hariana Peer Review HAKI: Kreasi Pita Karawo pdf 111
14468 Arwildayanto Evaluation of the Implementation of an Acceleration Class Program at Junior High School pdf 111
14469 Arwildayanto Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Industri Rumahan serta Sistem Pemasaran Produk untuk Manajemen Pemberdayaan Kelompok Usaha di Masyarakat Pesisir pdf 111
14470 Lis M. Yapanto TURNITIN Closed-Loop Supply Chain Design and Pricing in Competitive Conditions by Considering the Variable Value of Return Products Using the Whale Optimization Algorithm pdf 111
14471 Lis M. Yapanto TURNITIN Traditional Handline Fishing in Pohuwato Regency, Indonesia pdf 111
14472 Heryati Turnitin: Meaning Interpretation of Gorontalo Vernacular Architecture with Semiotic Method pdf 111
14473 Nurdin Nurdin : Turnitin Study of Land Quality and Land Characteristics that Determine the Productivity of Composite Maize Varietiesin Gorontalo pdf 111
14474 Nurdin Nurdin : Turnitin Determination of Land Suitability Criteria for Maize Hybrid in Boalemo Regency Based on Optimum Yield and Selected Land Quality pdf 111
14475 Akram La Kilo Akram La Kilo : Koresponden Students' Creative Thinking Skills on Reaction Rate Topic through Contextual Teaching and Learning Model pdf 111