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14426 Yuniarti Koniyo PEER REVIEW Peningkatan Populasi Pakan Alami Daphnia Magna Menggunakan Probiotik EM 4 (Effective Microorganisme-4) Di Balai Benih Ikan (BBI) Andalas Kota Gorontalo pdf 127
14427 Yuniarti Koniyo PEER REVIEW Parameter Fisik-kimia Perairan Danau Limboto sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar pdf 127
14428 Rusmin Husain Rusmin Husain : Turnitin Utilization of Internal Audio Visual Media Writing the Stories Story in Students in SD pdf 127
14429 Rusmin Husain Rusmin Husain : Peereviewer HKI Collaborative Learning : Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pada Program Kesetaraan pdf 127
14431 Yuszda K. Salimi Peer Review Formulasi Minuman Fungsional dari Daun Kelor pdf 127
14432 Ellen J Saleh Ellen J Saleh : Peereviewer Nutritive Evaluation Of Corn Straw Fermented By Trichoderma Viride As Cross Breed Chicken Feed Stuff In Gorontalo Regency pdf 127
14433 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Peereviewer Hair Mercury Levels of Inhabitants and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Workers in Western Part of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia pdf 127
14434 Safriyanto Dako Safriyanto Dako : Turnitin Diversity of Insulin Growth Factor - 1 (Igf - 1) Gene of Kacang Goat in Kota Gorontal o and Regency of Bone Bolango Province of Gorontalo pdf 127
14435 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : Peereviewer Antioxidant, Antibacterial And Antifungal Activity Of Edible Coating Chitosan-Galactose Complex pdf 127
14436 Rieny Sulistijowati S. Rieny Sulistijowati : Laporan Akhir Penelitian DRPM KEMENRISTEKDIKTI RI Tahun 2019 dengan judul: Validitas Stabilisasi dan Pasteurisasi pada Usaha Sambal Ikan Kayu Cakalang pdf 127
14437 Dolot Alhasni Bakung Dolot Alhasni Bakung : Peereviewer Unraveling Authority of Coal Mining Management by the Regional Government and Its Implications for Regional Autonomy pdf 127
14438 Warni Tune Sumar Warni T. Sumar : Peereviewer The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Performance of Islamic School Teachers pdf 127
14439 Warni Tune Sumar Warni T. Sumar : Peereviewer Evaluation of Accreditation-Based School Management in Improving Quality of Educationat SMP Widyakrama in Telaga Biru Sub-district, Gorontalo District. pdf 127
14440 Mukhlisulfatih Latief surat pertanyaan keabsahan karya ilmiah pdf 127
14441 Rasuna Rasid Talib Rasuna Rasid Talib : Peereviewer The implementation of English Subject Extracurricularin Elementary school (A Researah Conducted at MI Muhammadiyah Unggulan Kota Gorontalo) pdf 127
14442 Abdul Haris Odja Abdul Haris Odja : Peereviewr The Effectiveness of Implementation Cooperative Learning Model Oriented Life Skills For The 21st Century to Improve Writing Science Skills in Physics Concepts pdf 127
14443 Lusiana Margareth Tijow PLAGIARISME SCAN The Urgency Principle "Adati Hula Hula Sareati, Sareati Hula Hula to Kitabullah" In Gorontalo in the Legal Protection Toward Women as the Victims of Violence pdf 127
14444 Vivien Novarina A. Kasim Vivien Novarina A. Kasim : Turnitin Adiponectin and Its Role in Inflammatory Process of Obesity pdf 127
14445 Hariana Peer Review HAKI: Kreasi Pita Karawo pdf 127
14446 Rahmatiah Peer Review Artikel: The Role of Citizens Education in Building Community Solidarity pdf 127
14447 Sri Indriyani Dai Analysis of the Effect of the Number of MSMEs and MSME Workers on District/Municipality Poverty in Gorontalo Province pdf 127
14448 Femy Mahmud Sahami Femy Mahmud Sahami : Turnitin Diversity of species in making up Nike fish schools and a new record of Eleotris melanosoma in Tomini Paguyaman Bay, Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 127
14449 Yayu Indriati Arifin Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Mechanism of the Rapid Shrinkage of Limboto Lake in Gorontalo, Indonesia pdf 127
14450 Ivan Rahmad Santoso Peer Review MASHARIF AL-ZAKAT THE HADITH MAUDHU'I APPROACH pdf 127