14426 |
Yuniarti Koniyo |
PEER REVIEW Peningkatan Populasi Pakan Alami Daphnia Magna Menggunakan Probiotik EM 4 (Effective Microorganisme-4) Di Balai Benih Ikan (BBI) Andalas Kota Gorontalo |
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127 |
14427 |
Yuniarti Koniyo |
PEER REVIEW Parameter Fisik-kimia Perairan Danau Limboto sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar |
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127 |
14428 |
Rusmin Husain |
Rusmin Husain : Turnitin Utilization of Internal Audio Visual Media Writing the Stories Story in Students in SD |
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127 |
14429 |
Rusmin Husain |
Rusmin Husain : Peereviewer HKI Collaborative Learning : Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Pada Program Kesetaraan |
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127 |
14430 |
Muh. Tahir |
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127 |
14431 |
Yuszda K. Salimi |
Peer Review Formulasi Minuman Fungsional dari Daun Kelor |
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127 |
14432 |
Ellen J Saleh |
Ellen J Saleh : Peereviewer Nutritive Evaluation Of Corn Straw Fermented By Trichoderma Viride As Cross Breed Chicken Feed Stuff In Gorontalo Regency |
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127 |
14433 |
Yayu Indriati Arifin |
Yayu Indriati Arifin : Peereviewer Hair Mercury Levels of Inhabitants and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Workers in Western Part of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia |
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127 |
14434 |
Safriyanto Dako |
Safriyanto Dako : Turnitin Diversity of Insulin Growth Factor - 1 (Igf - 1) Gene of Kacang Goat in Kota Gorontal o and Regency of Bone Bolango Province of Gorontalo |
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127 |
14435 |
Rieny Sulistijowati S. |
Rieny Sulistijowati : Peereviewer Antioxidant, Antibacterial And Antifungal Activity Of Edible Coating Chitosan-Galactose Complex |
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127 |
14436 |
Rieny Sulistijowati S. |
Rieny Sulistijowati : Laporan Akhir Penelitian DRPM KEMENRISTEKDIKTI RI Tahun 2019 dengan judul: Validitas Stabilisasi dan Pasteurisasi pada Usaha Sambal Ikan Kayu Cakalang |
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127 |
14437 |
Dolot Alhasni Bakung |
Dolot Alhasni Bakung : Peereviewer Unraveling Authority of Coal Mining Management by the Regional Government and Its Implications for Regional Autonomy |
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127 |
14438 |
Warni Tune Sumar |
Warni T. Sumar : Peereviewer The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Performance of Islamic School Teachers |
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127 |
14439 |
Warni Tune Sumar |
Warni T. Sumar : Peereviewer Evaluation of Accreditation-Based School Management in Improving Quality of Educationat SMP Widyakrama in Telaga Biru Sub-district, Gorontalo District. |
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127 |
14440 |
Mukhlisulfatih Latief |
surat pertanyaan keabsahan karya ilmiah |
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127 |
14441 |
Rasuna Rasid Talib |
Rasuna Rasid Talib : Peereviewer The implementation of English Subject Extracurricularin Elementary school (A Researah Conducted at MI Muhammadiyah Unggulan Kota Gorontalo) |
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127 |
14442 |
Abdul Haris Odja |
Abdul Haris Odja : Peereviewr The Effectiveness of Implementation Cooperative Learning Model Oriented Life Skills For The 21st Century to Improve Writing Science Skills in Physics Concepts |
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127 |
14443 |
Lusiana Margareth Tijow |
PLAGIARISME SCAN The Urgency Principle "Adati Hula Hula Sareati, Sareati Hula Hula to Kitabullah" In Gorontalo in the Legal Protection Toward Women as the Victims of Violence |
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127 |
14444 |
Vivien Novarina A. Kasim |
Vivien Novarina A. Kasim : Turnitin Adiponectin and Its Role in Inflammatory Process of Obesity |
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14445 |
Hariana |
Peer Review HAKI: Kreasi Pita Karawo |
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14446 |
Rahmatiah |
Peer Review Artikel: The Role of Citizens Education in Building Community Solidarity |
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14447 |
Sri Indriyani Dai |
Analysis of the Effect of the Number of MSMEs and MSME Workers on District/Municipality Poverty in Gorontalo Province |
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127 |
14448 |
Femy Mahmud Sahami |
Femy Mahmud Sahami : Turnitin Diversity of species in making up Nike fish schools and a new record of Eleotris melanosoma in Tomini Paguyaman Bay, Gorontalo, Indonesia |
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127 |
14449 |
Yayu Indriati Arifin |
Yayu Indriati Arifin : Turnitin Mechanism of the Rapid Shrinkage of Limboto Lake in Gorontalo, Indonesia |
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14450 |
Ivan Rahmad Santoso |
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127 |