No |
Pengunggah |
Unggahan |
Tipe |
Unduh |
3451 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Cek Plagiasi-The contribution of metacognitive in the inquiry-based learning to students’ thinking skill based on SOLO Taxonomy |
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202 |
3452 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Artikel-The Validity and Students Response toward Coordination System Teaching Material Oriented Guided Inquiry |
pdf |
102 |
3453 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Designing Teaching Material Oriented Towards Inquiry-Based Learning in Biology |
pdf |
135 |
3454 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Effectiveness of Environmentally Based Science Learning towards Environmentally Friendly Character of Students in Coastal Area |
pdf |
158 |
3455 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Integrating Local Resources Into Inquiry-Based Teaching Materials to Training Student's Science Process Skills |
pdf |
145 |
3456 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Management of Costal Biodiversity Based on Social-Cultural Values in Constructing Conservation Character Education |
pdf |
133 |
3457 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Inquiry Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Literasi Sasins Siswa |
pdf |
149 |
3458 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Potential of Inquiry-Based Learning to Train Student's Metacognition and Science Process Skill |
pdf |
147 |
3459 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-The Contribution of Metacognitive in the Inquiry Based Learning to Students Thinking Skill Based on SOLO Taxonomy |
pdf |
139 |
3460 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-The Development of Inquiri by Learning Cycle (RYLEAC) Model on Electricity and Magnitic Concept |
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127 |
3461 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-The Effecctiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning to Train Students' Matacognitive Skill Based on Gender Differenes |
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133 |
3462 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Validitas dan Respon Siswa terhaadap Bahan Ajar Sistem Koordinasi Berorientasi Inquiry Terbimbing |
pdf |
139 |
3463 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Peer Review-Coastal Ecosystems Capacity as a Study Material in Biology Learning in the Costal Areas |
pdf |
138 |
3464 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari Artikel-The Effectiveness of Inquiry-based Learning to Train the Students' Metacognitive Skills Based on Gender Differences |
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291 |
3465 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari-HKI Derita Si Ikan Kecil |
pdf |
147 |
3466 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari-HKI Ekosistem Pesisir untuk Kelas IV, V, dan VI SD |
pdf |
161 |
3467 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari-HKI Kak Nune Pengrajin Kayu yang Baik |
pdf |
149 |
3468 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari : Combination of Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills |
pdf |
768 |
3469 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari : Turnitin Combination of Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills |
pdf |
179 |
3470 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari : Peereviewer Combination of Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills |
pdf |
190 |
3471 |
Elya Nusantari |
Elya Nusantari : Koresponden Combination of Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills |
pdf |
202 |
3472 |
Elya Nusantari |
Perbedaan Pemahaman Awal Tentang Kosep Genetika Pada Siswa, Mahasiswa dan Guru Dosen |
pdf |
612 |
3473 |
Elya Nusantari |
Kajian Penyebab Kesenjangan Gender Berdasrkan Prtisipasi Dan Angka Putus Sekolah Di Propinsi Gorontalo |
pdf |
2701 |
3474 |
Elya Nusantari |
(HKI) Inovasi Pembelajaan Biologi Melalui Proyek Untuk Menanamkan karakter Mulia Pada Peserta Didik |
pdf |
281 |
3475 |
Elya Nusantari |
Genetics Misconception on High School Textbook, the Impact and Importance on Presenting the Order of Concept through Reorganization of Genetics |
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